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Hello everyone,

I truly hope you're enjoying the story I've made so far and are hopeful for more Meadow Soprano and this new world the Sopranos families find themselves in.

Actually, the reason I've decided to make these Intermissions is so that I can reassure current fans and newcomers of things to come and get people excited. I'll also put non-Meadow related news at the bottom that relates to other stuff I'm working on as well.

This novel has been pre-planned and mapped out from beginning to end, and has a clear trajectory for our anti-hero all throughout.
So, what things can you expect from the next few chapters without me spoiling the fun?

• In the next chapter, "Countdown in 3," we will finally learn who killed Tony Soprano. Or at least in part.
• For those of you wondering whatever happened to AJ, "The Return of the King," chapter will answer all those questions.
• We will also see turns in the story in order to fill in other gaps of this world;
Just as the tv show wasn't all Tony all the time, this series will also deal with little side-stories similar to the ones we were used to like Ginny Sack's weight problem, Johnny Sack's cancer while in jail, Feech LaManna's situation with the gardner, Chrissy's acting for writers arc, and the list goes on and on;
this series will be no different and will sometimes deal with the little things in the supporting casts lives. For example; we have yet to see what ever happened to Hunter Scangarelo, Eric Scatino must be a grown up now and seeing Meadow again might be a shock, there's still little Bobby Baccalieri III,  and many more.

But if there's someone I'd like for you to keep your eye out more than anyone else, a totally new character in this world that will change the dynamic between all of our beloved characters and shake things up forever; is Giancarlo Antonio de La Paz.
Don't say you weren't warned :)

• Please feel free to leave comments and like the chapters as that helps me know if you're enjoying it or if I'm slacking or if the series has run its course. If you are liking it however, please know it'll probably last a year and then I'll be moving on to a Star Wars Fanfic I have put a lot of thought and research into.

• If you're enjoying my content and want some more, you can try my original series, a Sci-Fi Audio Drama called MILKTEA, which has been at the top 50 sci-fi podcasts Apple list for nearly 5 months. It's a real blast, and if you like my writing here, I think you'll like that show as well, so please check it out here;

• Lastly, (here comes the pitch lol) if you like the things I'm making and want to help support me, feel free to do so by becoming a Patron on my Patreon page found at the bottom of the page.
DISCLAIMER: I am in no way selling this book, that's important for me that you know, but to be honest the less I have to worry about 'Chasing it rather than making it,' the more time I have to dedicate to these sorts of projects. Anyway, there's absolutely no obligation, I'm just really happy somebody likes my writing.

Great vibes and fluffy kittens,
- J

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