The Bubonic Plague

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The legend, Richard "Dickey" Moltisanti, was considered a legend because he single handedly took on an entire New England crew and waged a one man war against the Depracino Connecticut family after they set off a fire bomb at the establishment that existed in the iron quarter prior to it being Gino's Pizza; which killed two kids from his neighborhood. Everyone knew that Dickey had been hard as nails tough, and was a shining example of what a one man wrecking crew could achieve. He was a representation of ferocious might and unwavering character, and yet nothing Dickey ever did would compare to the pure fury that had just landed at Newark International at 9:05 AM on this particular morning coming in from FCO.

Volante was the first to get off the plane. He picked up his bags and headed to the rental car window; never an indication that he was there with anyone else.
Tomas got off the plane second, as his English was second best, and directing the four other men that came with him to Terminal 2 where a grand line limousine bus heading towards a hotel in North Caldwell was waiting for them.
Furio Giunta came in through Kennedy so as not to set off any alarms and after picking up his own luggage, got into the back seat of his own car, driven by Benny Fazio, and then headed towards the Plaza in New York where Meadow was still staying. Benny didn't try and direct a single word towards Furio during the entire ride from JFK, as the man was clearly in a state of seriousness high above a level he was comfortable engaging. Benny and Furio had worked alongside each other back when he was nothing more than an associate, and while they never had any issues with each other back then, the situation Furio was entering was a very serious one that required a lot of tact. He had been desgraciada in New Jersey for 14 long years, but no one would dare forget what Furio had been capable of way back then. And so Benny felt the wiser choice was to leave the man alone to his thoughts, shifting nervously in his seat and hoping in the deepest part of his mind that Meadow knew what she was doing.
The truth, however, was that Furio was almost 55 now and the thoughts he was lost in were simple in nature; never in a million years would he have thought that he'd be back in New Jersey again and especially not under these circumstances. But fate was calling him to repay a debt that he owed his previous boss and protect Anthony Sopranos' eldest child... but if it had been just that he would've told fate to fuck itself. It was because Meadow was Carmela's daughter that he was more than ready to answer that call.
Unfortunately, he was no longer the force of nature he once was, or at least, he wasn't that person yet. He had been an olive farmer for the past 10 years working in Genova, knowing that no one would come to look for him there. His mind had forgotten what his body was just beginning to whisper to him now; the body never forgets. It need only practice.
This is why he had asked Volante to join him on his return to America.
Volante was young, with an almost Spanish look to him, a roman nose similar to Christophers' but which worked better with his face and suited his neck length hair and modern grunge look. In stark contrast to Furio's current state of mind, Volante was a stone cold killer, the kind of man Pablo Escobar might have kept around to kill women and children while pleading for their lives.
Both Volante and the four other men he had placed in the limousine bus were from Naples. They were all made, all trained in the art of war, and most importantly, all of them ready and willing to take orders from a woman as they had during their days in Italy. This is why Furio had chosen them.

Analisa Zucca was Comorra, the same as Meadow, and couldn't help her mentee by supplying her with everything she needed for the days to come without sparking an all out war with the New York families once they found out. When Analisa had sent Meadow back home, it was with the clear knowledge that she was on her own and would have to rise to the occasion by sheer will and without the help of her first family, the Comorra. Volante and his men, and Furio as their leader, represented the most important of Meadow's power plays to secure her grip over the DiMeo family; which after today, would finally be called The Sopranos once again.

Meadow: A Sopranos Fanfic Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora