Passionate Dancing Night!

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Adam Slander is the best slander💅✨

Your POV

Right after the beef with Adam, Langa took you and Reki to the hospital, with Miya and Shadow tagging along.

You and Reki walked back to the small group in the hospital hallway. They all watched you two, anxious for the results.

"I've got two weeks for a full recovery." Reki stared down at his arm sling.

"And I just have a few scratches on my back with a small concussion." You fiddled with the bandage secured tightly around your head, "No brain damage!"

The room became lighter and the thick anxiety everyone held dissipated.

"Glad it wasn't anything more...You guys are lucky." Miya sighed and slumped in his seat.

Reki apologized to the cat boy for not winning, and Miya shrugged it off. He mumbled something under his breath.

"What did you say?" Reki questioned.

"He said you looked cool." Langa clarified, and you confirmed.

Miya glared at you and Langa. "I didn't say anything like that!"

You smirked. "But you were thinking it!"

"No, I wasn't, slime!"

Shadow spoke up about Adam's next race, and you and Langa should get ready for it. Reki apologized for getting you into his mess.

Langa shook his head and didn't think it was Reki's fault.

You agreed and nodded, "It's alright, whatever your problems are, they're ours too." You pointed to your head, "Why did you think I ran into you and saved you from a concussion?"

Reki smiled at your response, "Thanks for saving me, (Y/N)."

"You're welcome!" You dramatically flipped your hair, "I was waiting for my praise.."

Reki snorted and held his stomach as he laughed. It was followed by your giggles, and the other three boys chuckling.

~Time Skip to the next day~

Now later in the day, your group of friends (Reki, Langa, Miya, Cherry, and Shadow) came to Joe's restaurant to get advice about Adam.

"Hi, Joe!" You beamed as you walked into the restaurant.

"Sit down wherever you like." Cherry offered.

Joe protested about not agreeing, but he stopped when cherry spoke.

He pointed his fan at you and Langa, "These two think they can win against Adam."

"You watched him skate, don't be an-" Before Joe could finish Langa's stomach growled.

Reki was trying to yell at his best friend until his stomach growled. Miya's stomach followed suit and the small boy put a hand over his middle.

You raised your hand, "Actually, I'm pretty-" your stomach growled before you could finish talking, "Yeah..."

After eating, everyone sat down in a line, facing Cherry and Joe. They demonstrated how the Love Hug worked. They then explained ways you could avoid the hug, like staying away from him on the straightaways. The best time would be to pass him on the corners because he can't then.

"But...What if he could?"

Everyone in the room stared at you from your comment. You tensed up at everyone's eyes and fiddled with the bottom of your shirt. "I'm thinking out loud is all..."

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