Steamy Mystery Skating?! (Pt.2)

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(A/N: This is what I imagined your Inn clothes to look like, I though it matched the boy's 🤷‍♀️)

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(A/N: This is what I imagined your Inn clothes to look like, I though it matched the boy's 🤷‍♀️)

You and your group were outside the inn, Joe explaining the rules of the beef to the hot springs.

"Guys, we shouldn't be doing this." You said.

Miya looked up from his map, "What, you scared like Reki is?"

"No, but we should really trust what the hostess said, we shouldn't go out so late."

"And what makes you so sure?"

"Because I'm always right with these things! And even from a logical point of view, should we really go against what a local says? They know this place better than we do." You put your hands on your hips, "Name a time I've been wrong."

Langa turned to you, "A week ago you tried getting me into a new food, told me it was safe, and I got food poisoning..."

"And then you told me to put different wheels on a client's skateboard because they'd like it more. They crashed like, immediately..." Reki sighed.

"Literally on the way to the boat you told us you could direct the way and we barely made it because you told us the wrong path." Miya gave you an unimpressed look.

You sweatdropped and gulped, "O-okay maybe I've been wrong a few times, but you just have to trust me! If you want to save your selves and noses, I'd listen."

"Our noses?" Joe questioned.

Cherry ignored your cries and told Carla to start counting down.


"You know what would be awesome?" Reki offered.


"Taking a morning bath right before the race tomorrow!"

"Reki they're not going to listen, they're idiots..." You sighed and watched the group of boys skate off.

Reki sighed and put down his board.

"Uh, what are you doing? Aren't you going back to the Inn with me?"

"Well, we should go with them..." Reki shrugged and skated away.

You groaned, "You guys are lucky I love you..." You got on your skateboard and went after Reki.

By the time you caught up with him, Langa had already made it to him.

Reki screamed and jumped in horror as you approached. "MONSTER-"

You bonked Reki in the head, "Shut up, you scaredy-cat!"

"Ow- why would you hit me?.."

You put your hands on your hips, "Because you're too loud, they'll hear us!"

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