We Don't Balance Out

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Credits to 'Tuggeye' on YT for the edit!

"Hey, Langa!" You cheered, riding your skateboard up to him. It was the early morning of a school day, meeting up with your friends.

Langa gave a smile and a 'Good morning' while you fist-bumped. You both waited a few minutes for Reki, creating small talk between you.

The red-haired boy turned the corner on his skateboard and came up to you.

"Hey, what's up?" Langa gave a fist bump to his friend.

You smiled and ruffled Reki's hair, "Yeah, what's the neighborhood knucklehead up to?"

Reki laughed at your nickname, "Just hanging out!" The three of you eventually started skating to school. Langa pulled a water bottle from his backpack, taking a sip of it, then throwing it to Reki to drink.

Reki turned to you, his amber eyes meeting yours. "Want some?"

You shook your head and politely declined, "I have my own, I'll let the boyfriends share a water."

"Really (Y/N)? You don't let anything go, do you?" Reki's cheeks turned pink.

You shrugged, "Can't stop what the hearts wants...Right Langa?"

Langa jumped, not ready and hoping you wouldn't ask for his answer. "Uh, well..."

You laughed at their bashfulness and rode ahead. You did a slide on a railing nearby, going under a bridge.

Reki soon followed your moves and stood next to you. Langa rode a small make-shift ramp and then the wall, touching a graffiti star high up on the wall.

Reki cheered for Langa and you clapped in enjoyment. "That's your boyfriend, Reki!"

"Hahaha..." Reki laughed sarcastically.

~Time Skip~

Now night time, you were at Crazy rock. You had left your group to get a drink and came back to Miya and Shadow making fun of Reki.

"Your new nickname is 'That one who's not Langa'!" Shadow laughed, to which Reki was taken back by the insult.

"Hey, stop that, you two." You scolded the boys, your voice slightly stern. You walked up to Reki. "Reki's just as great, as long as he's having fun it doesn't matter! Right?"

Reki rubbed his neck and gave a small nod. "Yeah..." His voice hesitated.

Reki POV

After a while, (Y/N) left the group and Joe and Cherry came over. We all watched Langa practicing and (Y/N) helping other skaters.

"How is he able to gain that much air?" I watched Langa as he skated high up on a ramp.

Miya spoke beside me, "Well they're both gone...Those two are higher than any of us now..."

Cherry informed us about Langa's technique, saying he must have learned from a high leveled snowboarder and lots of training.

"And (Y/N)?" I asked, now watching the girl as she did a fancy trick with her board.

"I'm not sure, to be quite honest..." Cherry examined the female, "(Y/N) is sporadic, hot-headed, and she has less background knowledge in skateboarding than the rest of us. Still, she seems to have a whole arrangement of tricks for the sport. If we're not careful, she could surpass all of us, even Langa. Dare I say Adam..."

"Not to mention how weird she is about us," Miya said, "She knows a little too much, stuff that I didn't even know about myself..."

I looked around at the group, "Wait, she did it to you guys too?" Everyone nodded in response.

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