Old Feelings, New Openings

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Hello Everyone! I just wanted to thank you all for getting this story to 1.3k views and 56 votes! Means a lot to me <3 This chapter is more of a filler, and I wanted to include more Joe and Cherry because I love them 💖

You quickly ran to the restaurant window, peering in and letting your eyes adjust to the bright light. When your eyes agreed to let you look you saw the two men you had hoped would be there. You entered the establishment as quietly as possible, only the jingle of the door was a sign of your entrance.

"We're closed-" Joe looked up from cleaning the tables of his restaurant, "Oh, (Y/N), what brings you here?"

"Yes, what brings you here so late?" Cherry leaned his fan against his mouth.

You gulped and bowed your head, "I'm sorry, but I needed you guys for something important..."

The two men slightly tensed up, concerned about your request.

"Well I have no complaints of you being here, kid, want a drink while you stay?"

You smiled at joe and accepted his offer, sitting next to Cherry at the counter. You pulled the box out that Adam gave you earlier that night and gently set it down.

"I'm scared..."

"Scared of what?"

"Scared of opening it! There could be anything in here and I didn't want to open without you guys just in case..."

The pink-haired adult sighed, "You're scared of a box?"

"I know Adam- sadly – and I'm scared what he'd do, seeing the stuff he'll do..." You mumbled at the end.

Joe set down the drink you requested in front of you, "How do you know Adam?"

You tensed up – Crap, did you give yourself away?

"W-well, I...uh-" I sighed, "I- I just do, it's a long story but I know his 'Life story' per say."

The two adults stared at you once again, now with a confused face. Cherry opened his mouth before you interrupted him. You went into a small rant, talking about a few key points about Adam. Just as with Langa and Reki, it sounded as if you knew the man on a personal level.

"Woah, Woah, Kid, calm down we believe you..." Joe propped his head lazily against his hand.

"I don't even want to question how you know that much..." Cherry sighed and took a sip from his drink.

You facepalmed, your face heating up in embarrassment. "Sorry..."

Joe chuckled and patted your back, harshly. "Just open the box, kid."

"Do you need to beat on her back?"

"I wasn't! That was supposed to friendly!"

"A gorilla like you being gentle? How absurd."

You uncovered your face and giggled at their argument. As you watched them, you opened the box.

"You guys are-" You finally looked at the box's contents and yelped, "HOLY BURNT MARSHMALLOW ON A STICK WHY-" You nearly fell from your seat.

Joe and Cherry stopped their bickering and turned to you. They saw the box and their eyes widened.

"Is that a...?"

"I'm sure it is..."

"A ring?!" The three of you said in unison.

The box held what seemed to be a very expensive ring, with a note tucked underneath it.

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