Our Infinity!

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"Can you believe it's happening?" Reki asked as he focused on putting details on Langa's board. "You're up against Adam, (Y/N)...Especially after what happened last night..."

You sighed and dipped your paintbrush in the small paint tray you had, collecting your favorite color, and putting it on your skateboard, "Not really, it all flew by so fast, and Adam deserved that! If no one was going to call him out on it, I'd be the one to, it was going on for too long."

Langa cleared his throat and changed the subject, "Hey, (Y/N)? Do you know why Adam got into skating? I heard he's been alone for a long time."

"Makes sense with that personality, and I guess he's not alone according to miss-know-it-all over here," Reki mumbled and glanced at you.

You picked your head up from looking down and flung some paint at Reki, making him jump back. "I'm right, just trust me on this one. Adam's..." You stared at your board, "Adam's skating because it's his only outlet and has no other real freedom in his life, he only thinks he's alone from how he's been raised."

Another sigh came from you and gripped your board in your hands. "And I've known what loneliness feels like, and it's certainly not what he has, and I intend to knock some sense into him!" You raised your brush above your head, declaring your plan.

"Well, you can't just completely push his feelings out of the way. That's not nice to him, maybe try to look at it from his perspective..." Langa stopped sweeping but continued looking at the floor.

"Huh, I-I guess you're...Kinda right about that..." You retracted your hand. It was embarrassing now at how confident you were.

The slamming of the wood in Reki's hands against the table caught the attention of everyone in the room. He smiled and tried cheering the mood up, "So then he started because it was fun, right? I mean, there aren't many other reasons to get into it."

The S members stared wide-eyed at the new track. It was dark and gave off a scary vibe, a bendy, rocky track waited for the final two contestants.

"That's the track?" Reki gulped and stared up at the monitor.

Shadow sweatdropped, "Why'd they trade the normal course for a death trap?"

"Guys!" (Y/N) ran up to her friends.

"You should be up at the finish line, (Y/N)," Cherry instructed.

You nodded, "I-I know...I just need you guys for something..." You held a marker and your skateboard out to them, a confused look on all their faces.

As you walked up the steep incline, a huge chill ran down your spine. Once you made it to the top, a dark shadowy figure stepped out with a coffin-shaped skateboard.

You took a deep breath, the height of the place made you slightly panicked. In the show, it didn't seem as high, but you were so high the air felt thin in your lungs.

"Welcome, Mrs. (L/N). I've been waiting for you." Adam walked more into the moonlight, revealing his new costume. He spoke very elegantly, but some hesitance in his voice.

"I see you've got a new...outfit..." You stood awkwardly away from him, feeling like you had invaded his privacy just by his choice of wardrobe. "The poor tailor who made that..."

"Do you like it? I felt it was the most suitable for tonight."

"You look like a Kingdom Hearts villain, but you do you..." You slowly sauntered up to the starting line, "I guess..."

Your competitor walked next to you and flipped a coin high in the air. The both of you crouched down on your boards, getting ready for the signal.

The soft clink of the small coin meeting with the ground signaled you to start. As Adam threw his board out and went around the small corner, you jumped over the small ledge right next to the finish line. You quickly placed your board on the ground and began skating, being neck to neck with Adam.

A Second Chance | Sk8 the Infinity x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now