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It's been a week, or at least I think it's been a week; I'm not so sure anymore. I feel like I've been watching the world around me through a tv that's in slow motion. There's no denying that it's getting worse as the days go by and harder to ignore. The headaches now include blurred vision, and the nose bleeds come more frequently.

Today, to add to the list, I feel cold. Even though I was sweating through both of my sweaters- But it's okay. I'm sure it's just a cold, a week-long cold that's getting worse. That happens, right?

I don't want to worry them. Everyone's busy with Cicada or Nora; I don't want to be an extra bunion...bunion?I can't seem to remember the word. Anyway, I'm fine, I've been super sick before, and I handled it well then, and I'm going to handle it now.

I was sitting in the speed lab starring ahead as mom and Flash talked about Nora missing a week of training, or at least I think it was about Nora. Their voices sounded distorted and far away.

Remember when I said an argument was brewing between Nora and mom last week? Everything boiled over while I was in the time vault unconscious. Ever since that night, she's been staying at papa joe's house and ignoring mom and flask- I mean fresh- wait, that's not right either. I've really been out of it the last few days. Sometimes I don't even notice when they're talking to me like they're trying to do right now. My eyes focused on mom and flash standing in front of me, but my brain and ears were still trying to figure out what they were saying.

"Dawn, have you talked to Nora?"



" Uhm!" I said, thinking about the question." I Uhm... I talked to her Uh, this morning." I said, trying to seem normal.

I could see the expression on their faces change as they stared at me.

"Are you okay?" Mom questioned as they both stepped closer to me.

"yeah, I Uhm... feel-"

Before I could justify, mom stuck her hand out and rested it on my forehead.

"She's burning up!" Mom said to Flash with a concerned look on her face.

He also reached his hand out and felt my forehead.

"how long have you been feeling like this, Dawn?" He questioned as he crouched down in front of me.

"Like what?" I said, forcing a smile as I stood out of my chair and began walking around the room as they watched. "I feel like I could run a mile!"

"Dawn, you should sit down!" mom said.

"I feel great."

I felt that familiar feeling from my nose. I tried wiping away the blood with my sleeve, but it didn't matter how much I wiped; I couldn't stop it or what would come next. I suddenly felt the worst pain imaginable in my head and down my spine. I instantly fell to the ground and began screaming and crying at the top of my lungs.

I remember mom and Flash were by my side trying to calm me down as I begged them to make it stop. Flash picked me up, and we were in the medical room in a matter of seconds. Flash sat me down on the bed as I continued screaming. Caitlyn suddenly appeared and was frantically talking to mom and Flash before she walked over to me.

"Make it stop!" I begged and pleaded." Make it stop!"

"Your going to be fine, Dawn; just breathe!" She replied right as I felt something pinch my arm.

I suddenly stopped screaming and crying, and my eyes felt heavy. The last thing I saw was mom and Flash standing on the side of my bed as everything started going black.

Dawn West-Allen: Part TwoWhere stories live. Discover now