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 My mind felt like it was running wild as I tried to wrap my head around all of this. I leaned against the wall to support the extra weight I was feeling.

"I don't know what happened." Nora began pacing around the time vault "This new Cicada shouldn't be here, we had everything planned-"

"Maybe this is our fault." I mumbled as Nora stared at me." Dad was right, we're not gods. Why did we even think we could come back and change the past, that we could change the fate of hundreds of people." I said as my voice trailed. "This new cicada could mean more people getting hurt, more deaths and it's all our fault." I said as tears began to fill my eyes.

I wiped the tears away before they could fall down my cheek.

"No, that's not going to happen because we will fix this. I just don't know how" Nora said.

"We don't have to figure this out alone Nora and I don't think we can." I began." If we tell dad everything, he'll know how to fix this."

Nora didn't disagree or agree before she walked out of the room leaving me alone.

I wanted a nod or an okay. Anything to indicate that we were on the same page. I didn't understand her and I don't understand why she is prolonging this.

"Dawn!" Cisco said standing over me.

I had been sitting in the corner staring at the ceiling before I was interrupted.

"Are you okay? I've been calling your name for like twenty minutes now."

"I um-" Sherloque looked up from sweeping and began staring at me." "Yeah, I'm fine just distracted."

"Anyway, this needs to be welted back-"

I sped away with the metal sheet before he could finish his sentence.

"Done." I said sitting back in my chair.

" Dang, speedy, I was going ask you to get some supplies out of the storage room-wait, you did welt it back, right?" He questioned.

"No, I used a lot of duct tape." I said but Cisco wasn't pleased." I read a textbook about welding and watched a few videos; it wasn't hard to figure out."

"Ya, know the floor is ready to be mopped if you can do that for me also, Merci." Sherloque said handing me a mop.

I reluctantly took the mop and began mopping as mom and Ralph entered the room.

This wasn't fair, Nora was with dad looking for Dwyer, doing CSI stuff while I was stuck here cleaning up the mess Cicada two made. I'm not sure what was worse, them back seating or the fact that it was Nora's idea. She convinced dad that I should stay here in case Cicada two decided they wanted to destroy the cortex a second time. In case that were to happen, everyone here wasn't left vulnerable.

I wasn't allowed to fight; my job was to run every one to safety until Nora and dad returned.

Nora just found an easy way to stall from talking to dad. I've been pressuring her all day to do it but she keeps dismissing me.

Talking to Dad and even the rest of the team is the only thing I've thought about all day, that and the thought of this new Cicada being our fault. I just want to get it over with and deal with whatever consequences.

"We have a star-achives asset in Kolin's woods." Cisco said along with an alarm drawing me out of my thoughts.

"Star-achive" Sherloque questioned and I walked over and looked at the screen. "What is this?"

"#11578." I mumbled to myself.

That number was familiar but I couldn't remember where I remember it from.

Dawn West-Allen: Part TwoWhere stories live. Discover now