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"Okay, one more time. I think I can do it without getting hit!" I said to Cisco.

"I'm taking a break. We've been at this for hours."

"But I'm not tired yet." I said, getting into position.

Since everyone was busy, Cisco reluctantly agreed to train with me this morning in the speed lab. His job was to throw vibrational blasts for me to dodge. I've been practicing every day since ragdoll, and I can officially say that I've learned how to use my speed on command. However, I can't do anything special, like phasing, running up buildings, or throwing lightning bolts.

"Of course, you aren't, but I am." He complained.

"But I don't have anyone else to practice with." I replied."So, one more time, please?"

"Fine, one more time!" He said, getting into position on the opposite side of the room ." I hope your ready because I'm throwing everything I got this time."

Cisco began throwing energy blasts as I ran left and right to dodge them with the occasional backflip. Nora taught me how a few days ago, and now I try to incorporate at least one into my training.

"Is that all you got? I think 2040 Cisco can move faster-"

Flash entered the speed lab, drawing my attention away from Cisco. I saw a glowing blue orb heading toward me from the corner of my eye. I quickly dodged it seconds before it hit me.

"Almost had you there!" Cisco said." and for the record, I was going easy on you!" he replied." but not anymore."

Cisco began throwing multiple blasts, forcing me to move a lot faster.

"keep a wide stance; you don't want to trip!" 

"Yeah, I know!" I replied to Flash before focusing back on Cisco.

"Try pacing yourself. Your body is burning more energy and will become tired faster!"

"I am!" I replied, annoyed as I cartwheeled, dodging three blasts at once.

"Anticipate where the next-"

"I know!" I replied, stopping." Your making it hard to concentrate-"

"-Dawn, look out!" Flash yelled

A blast hit me in the stomach, throwing me into the wall behind me. Flash was suddenly by my side, helping me off the floor.

"Are you okay!" Flash asked.

"Sorry, Dawn!" Cisco replied.

"It didn't hurt!"I grunted, catching my breath." I'm just a little winded!"

"On that note, I think we're done for today!" Cisco said before exiting the room.

"I didn't say I wanted to quit!"

"Science awaits!" he said before disappearing into the hallway.

"If you're up for it, we can continue training? Or we can do something else!" Flash began." Since Nora has been hanging out with mom, and today has been slow, I thought maybe we could hang out."

It wasn't a secret anymore. Everyone pretty much knew I was avoiding him. Even flash himself.

"I wouldn't mind training a little more," I replied.

Training meant less talking, so that was the best route to take.

"But no books!" I added.

"Fair enough !" He said with a smile." How about you choose what we work on today."

"There is one thing I want to learn how to do, well, a few things." I said.

"Okay, let's start with the first one."

Dawn West-Allen: Part TwoWhere stories live. Discover now