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I was still sitting on the speed track reading my third aerodynamics book. I had been sitting there for most of the day after my failed run attempt that left me with two black eyes. Luckily they've healed since then; I guess that's one perk of having powers.

I figured clearing my mind was the best thing I could do, and a good book usually help. I was reaching for another book from one of the many book towers that had accumulated around me, careful not to knock it down when the emergency alarms began going off again, causing me to knock down two book towers.

"Really?" I scuffed, annoyed as I stacked my books back up, ignoring the alarm.

It was probably another meta-attack, but I'm sure Flash and Nora had it handled. I put my earphones over my head as I began reading again. However, not even 10 minutes into my book I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket, followed by a couple of text messages from mom saying there was an emergency. 

I left my area in the speed lab and raced down the long hallway. I could hear team flash frantically debating from the cortex.

"We don't have a speedster, Cisco can't breach and killer frost is out of commission-!" I heard mom voice as I entered the room." we need to come up with a plan to-

"What's the emergency?" I began." I got your text message and-"

"Dawn!" Mom said.

"Where have you been? Have you heard from Nora? She's not answering?" Mom questioned.

"No, I haven't; what's going on?"

"Merkel kidnaped Barry!" Caitlyn spoke up.

"And we all need to come up with a plan to rescue him!" mom said to the rest of the team.

"What about Dawn? She's been training with Barry, right?" Cisco spoke up." She can help if things go south!"

"I wouldn't say training." I said as everyone turned to look at me."I mean, I still can't run on command."

"I'm not going to force you if you aren't ready, But you won't be alone!" Mom replied.

"No pressure!" Sherloque added nonchalantly ."What's the worst that can happen? The Flash dies a tragic death?"

"Not helping Sherloque!" Cisco shot back.


I stared into their anxious faces as they waited for my answer. I didn't want to let them down, but I was not ready. 

Then again, this could be another opportunity to face my fears.

"Okay!" I said as they quickly gave me a mask and an earpiece to wear."But I don't think I can run us there."

"You won't have to!" Ralph said, entering the room." Let's go Save the Flash!"

"That was inspiring!" Sherloque said as mom grabbed a gun and meta cuffs.

"Let's go!" She said as we followed her down the hall. "I'll drive!"

"Actually, I wanna try something!" Ralph replied." I saw it in a comic book."

"Ralph!" Mom yelled.

Ralph swung from building to building while mom and I held on. We were hundreds of feet in the air, and my stomach turned with every swing.

"I think I'm going to be sick!" I said.

"Not on the suit, baby Flash!"

We spotted the building flash, and Merkel was on. Ralph landed us on the roof just as Merkel turned to face us. Behind him, Flash sat on the edge of a building tied up with the Meta cuffs on. Fear overtook my mind, and I wasn't so sure if I could do this anymore.

Dawn West-Allen: Part TwoTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang