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"Who is your accomplice." Sherloque muttered.

He was running images of our journal entries through a handwriting recognition database. We were standing behind him, watching as he struggled to find a match for the third handwriting style in our journal.

He didn't know we were watching him. If you vibrate fast enough, you're practically invisible to a non-speedster. We turned around and phased into the next room.

"Do you believe me now," I said to Nora.

I tried to convince Nora days ago that Sherloque was onto us. It felt like he was in every room we were in, every corner we turned, waiting for us to make the wrong move.

Nora tried to convince me I was being paranoid, and I even tried to ignore it. But, after we came out of Grace's memories, the feeling of being watched worsened.

To get Nora to believe me,  I took matters into my hand and set a trap to get evidence.

I had a feeling that Sherloque was sneaking away with our journal, so I purposely left it where he could find it earlier today and waited for him to take the bait. Just as I suspected, he had an entire file dedicated to us.


I was waiting in the speed lab for Nora to return. We needed help getting Sherloque off our trail. Since Thawne is technically a Wells, he should know how to derail himself.

"Well?" I said as Nora sped next to me.

"Thawne said we just have to focus his attention on something else or someone else." Nora began." Someone he's very passionate about-"

"One of his seven wives?" I asked as Nora nodded ."That's pretty straightforward. He goes on and on about each one, especially number 5- Oh! maybe we could get her to come here!"I suggested.

"We don't need to because she's already here." Nora said, confusing me." Sherloque married the same woman from different Earths seven times. Luckily, a version of her also exists on our Earth, and she just so happens to be single-"

"So Thawne wants us to play matchmaker?" I questioned."How do we do this without it being obvious that we're trying to distract him."

"It won't be if we happen to be in the same place as her under totally unexpected circumstances. Say, CC jitters at Noon for a mid-day coffee on Monday, Thursdays, and Fridays- which happens to be today," Nora said with a grin.

"You found all of that out in less than 10 minutes?" I said."Man having speed is so Schway."

"It's almost Noon; we should probably get going-" Nora was cut off by our phones buzzing.

I was the first to read the text message sent to the family group chat.

"Dad wants us to help move mom into her new office." I said.

" I think that job only requires one speedster daughter," Nora said, staring at me.

"it's always me." I sighed."I'll cover for you."

"Thanks, and ill send updates." She said before speeding away.


"Well, what do you think?" Dad said.

"Looks great." Mom said, glancing up at Dad before returning to her laptop.

Dawn West-Allen: Part TwoWhere stories live. Discover now