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I sped into the dimly lit room his cell was in and walked up to the glass separating us. He was in his usual spot, facing away from anyone who came to visit.

I'm not sure why I wanted anything to be different or even out of place. Only minutes had passed here in the future since we left compared to the months we'd spent in the past. I guess I expected it to be different because I was different.

"I didn't expect you to be back so-." Thawne turned to face me." Dawn, what a surprise. 'He said with squinted eyes." I assume you didn't stop by to chat?"

"Nora sent me to give you another report. "I began." Sherloque is off our trail for now but the slightest mistake and he'll suspect something again." I explained." We tried helping Cicada's niece out of her coma but a satellite shard is embedded in her head and there isn't much we can do. Team Flash is still working on the meta-human cure but we're not sure when it will be ready. Maybe there's another way-"

"Stick to the plan!' He said sternly.

"I know! continue making ripples until we engineer a battle in 2019 where flash defeats Cicada once and for all." I replied.

"Then I think we're done here." He said before turning his back on me.


"Is there something else you want to say?" He said over his shoulder when I didn't leave.

" You're still my dad's arch-enemy, and I don't trust you." I started. "but I wanted to say, thanks for helping me and my sister. Without you, I would have never met my dad or gotten powers." I finished as he nodded. "Maybe my dad is wrong about you." I added as I started to walk away, but curiosity got the best of me. "Why does my dad hate you?"

"I'd assume your sister would have told you by now." He replied.

"No, she didn't," I said as my timer began going off.

The guard was coming back any minute now to patrol and I didn't want to be here when he did.

"Maybe she just forgot. "I said trying to convince myself before speeding away.

Since this was my first time traveling alone, Nora instructed me to immediately come back but I had another stop in mind. Within seconds I was back home in my bedroom. I turned the light on as I began searching my drawers and shelves trying to be as quiet as possible. As I was looking on the shelf above my bed I accidentally knocked over my snow globe mom brought from coast city. I used my speed to catch it just before it hit the ground. Suddenly there was a knock on my door.

"Dawn?" Older mom said in a raspy voice. "Are you still up?"

"Shwrat." I mumbled trying to stand still.

"Dawn, I know you're still up." Mom said knocking again. "I want to talk to you, both of you, but Nora disconnected her gauntlet and-

I could hear the pain in moms voice as she spoke. Their fight had happened months ago for me, but for mom, it was still fresh.

"I can explain why I-"

"You don't have to explain mom," I said cutting her off.

"Yes, I do dawn-" mom said trying to twist my knob.

I used my speed to lock the door before she came in. I didn't look quite the same as I did when I went to bed earlier that night and I was wearing my suit. It would just raise more questions that I didn't have time to answer. Mom sighed when she realized the door was locked.

"I know you're both confused and angry, but I need you to understand-."

"We're fine mom, I promise." I said leaning against the door with a smile."

Dawn West-Allen: Part TwoWhere stories live. Discover now