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Nora moved her arm, waking me up. My head had been resting on her shoulders and eventually I fell asleep.

"Sorry." she mumbeld.

"How long has it been?" I yawned sitting up.

"A few hours, give or take." She said before it went quiet again.

" I think I got a little drool on your shoulder." I said trying to lighten the mood but It didn't work.

Nora barely looked at me let alone smiled or laughed.

"This isn't the worst thing that could happen-"

"What could be worse than being put in here?" Nora glanced at me.

"Well, there's..." My voice trailed off." I mean this isn't the worst thing that has happened, at least in my case!" I said resting my head back on her shoulder.

"What are you talking about?"

"Remember that time when you were so annoyed, that you convinced me to play hide and seek so you could lock me in mom's closet." I said.

"You were like three, how do you remember that?" Nora asked. "I barely remember that."

" I was stuck in a closet for over two hours." I repeated.

"I didn't leave you in there for that long." Nora replied.

"I took like 4 naps in there and when mom found me it was dark."

"Right, mom was pissed." She said thinking back. "Sorry about that."

"You can't take all of the blame." I said. "Uncle Wally wasn't the best babysitter and it's how I found McSnurtle."

"The stuffed turtle you use to carry everywhere?"

"Mmhhh." I grumbled. "He was just sitting in an old shoe box in the closet and mom let me keep him." I said before it went quiet. "This is no different from that time."

"What do you mean?" Nora questioned.

"Well, just like me and McSurtle." I began. "We can't stay in here forever." I said as Nora looked at me." someone's going to let us out eventually."

"That was a super cheesy metaphor." Nora said with a small smile.

"I know." I replied as it got quiet."Ya know, now that I'm thinking about it, I also found stuff that I probably shouldn't have found-"

"and that's enough of that story-" Nora said stopping me.

"Yeah." I agreed. "What do you think they're doing up there?"

"I don't know." Nora replied. "Probably talking about what to do with us."

"We're not criminals." I reminded Nora." plus when we were working with Thawne before we knew what happened to grandma Nora. "I said." if we can just explain to dad that we stopped working with him once we found out maybe he won't be as mad."

"Yeah..." Nora mumbled." Dawn I-

"Mom?" I said standing up. "See I told someone would let us out, "I whispered to Nora who slowly stood up.

Nora had a weird look on her face that I couldn't decipher.

"Don't make me regret this!" mom said drawing my attention back to her.


We followed mom back to the cortex where everyone was waiting.

"What are you doing?" Dad said upon seeing us.

"I'm giving our daughters the chance to explain this for themselves." Mom said.

Dawn West-Allen: Part TwoWhere stories live. Discover now