Go For The Jugular

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"Saint... Babe... Why do you have 2 iPads?" Zee held one iPad in each of his hand.
"I have been meaning to ask you." He murmured.
"I know one is for work and stuff. The other one?" Zee queried.
"One is for work yes... The other is for leisure." Saint explained.
"Leisure? Such as?" Zee questioned and sat on the bed next to him.
"Netflix and stuff."
"Netflix and stuff? That's it?" Zee asked curiously.
"And more." Saint smiled and took one of the tablet from Zee's hand.
"There's nothing insidious... I promise you." He unlocked it using his fingerprint.

Zee stared at the iPad and the back at his boyfriend.

"When did you take this photo?" Zee smiled.
"When we slept together for the first time." Saint told him.
"You mean... Had sex for the first time?" Zee grinned.
"You were dead to the world as you can see." Saint pointed at the wallpaper.
"Don't show this to the anyone." Zee muttered.
"I would never!" Saint vowed and kissed Zee's lips.
"As you can see... I do have Netflix..." Saint pressed on the icon and showed Zee what he would usually watch.
"You're a romantic... Never would I ever imagine that you like to watch these romantic movies and series." Zee looked surprised.
"Saint... You don't have anything that I act in..." Zee grumbled.
"Why settle for that when I have you... In real life? Huh?"
"Wow... You must've learned a lot from the movies and series." Zee said and laughed.
"Yes I have." Saint smiled.
"But Zee... Look here..." Saint pressed the Photos icon and Zee stared at the iPad and back at Saint.

Zee scrolled and scrolled and kept on scrolling.

"How many photos of me do you have?" Zee asked him.
"Mr Zee Pruk Panich... I am actually you fan."
"No way...."
"I am... I have been for years..." Saint admitted.
"But you hated me from the first time we met!" Zee argued.
"You were a dick!"
"I was... Wasn't I?" Zee whispered and grinned sheepishly.
"I'm sorry for being a dick... But you can't live without this dick now." Zee's eyes twinkled while grinned at his boyfriend.
"Apology accepted... You have come a long way from being a dick... Even with that substandard dick of yours." Saint asserted and Zee laughed.
"You are my fan?" Zee asked and Saint nodded.
"Wow... I am sleeping with a fan... Having sex with a fan..." Zee stated.
"In a serious relationship with a fan." Saint added.
"Are we Saint?"
"Yes we are... A serious relationship that might last our lifetime." Saint declared.
"Damn... I should watch those chick flicks like you." Zee said.
"You are not into romantic stuff..." Saint told him.
"Yeah... Am not..." Zee nodded.
"By the way Baby... At what time is the audition for the new movie tomorrow?" Saint asked.
"Early morning." Zee answered.
"Would you like me to send you there?"
"I'm good Saint. Thanks... My new manager will be sending me there."
"How is she?"
"Miss Chairat is quite good. She has worked with a few other artistes before she got pregnant and given birth." Zee explained.
"And now she is with me." He continued.
"Plus, my management team would be following me as well... And my security team." He added.
"Break a leg Zee... I know you will do great."
"Thank you." Zee answered.
"Saint... You like to read too? Wattpad and Archive of Our own?" Zee pointed at the two icons on the iPad.
"I've never seen you read..." He murmured then he yawned.
"Maybe I do it when you're sleeping." Saint answered and took the iPad from Zee. He then drew Zee closer to him.
"Sleep Zee... You have a big day tomorrow." He pulled the cover over the two of them.
"I've done a lot of research and talked to so many experts... Watched countless videos and footages... I hope I can portray the character as I should." Zee murmured.
"When you get the part and get me premier tickets Zee. I want to be there."
"You would be with me. As my boyfriend. You don't need tickets."
"Are you sure you want the whole world to know about us?"
"Why not?" Zee asked him.
"You might lose some fans." Saint murmured.
"Or gain some fans." Zee replied.

    Zee could see the laid back relaxed man was gone and replaced with a contemplative and serious Saint Suppapong Udomkaewkanjana. The soldier, bodyguard and businessman.

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