Saint Junior and His Crazy Daddies

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"Jackass... When are you and your boyfriend leaving?" Zee glowered at Dome who was sitting in his spacious living room sipping Saint's vodka.
"And HOW did you find Saint's favourite drink huh?" He continued.
"I asked him... Sheesh..." Dome shared and he sipped the drink again.
"I am practically his favourite future brother in law." He added.
"You are his ONLY brother in law dumbass..." Zee muttered.
"Hence... The vodka..." Dome smiled.

Zee shook his head and sat facing his brother.

"You just moved in with Saint for 2 weeks..." Dome showed 2 fingers at Zee.
"And YOU are turning into a really good nagging wife." Dome grinned and laughed when Zee flipped him off.
"To think that you promised me that you would never ever leave your  little brother..." He added.
"Like you will not leave me when you and Pavel finally become serious?" Zee scowled at his brother.
"There's always a room for you Zee..."
"Likewise... The guesthouse is especially for you..." Zee grumbled.
"It's 20 meters away from the main house! I feel like an outcast!" Dome complained.
"Outcast my ass! 2 rooms... 2 Baths... A kitchen... A huge king size bed in each room... A jacuzzi..." Zee listed.
"You just don't want me disturbing you when you fuck your man." Dome snickered.
"Great that you know... Now... When are you going home, Dome?" Zee questioned his brother again.
"Pavel has something to discuss with Saint... Come on Zee... Don't you miss me?"
"Not really..." Zee shared.
"Wow... You're not even married and you already cutting ties with me?" Dome muttered.
"You've been here... 10 days from 14 days I've been here..." Zee pointed and rolled his eyes.
"And?" Dome smiled and flashed his dimples.
"AND?" Zee barked.
"I know why you're grumpy like this... You haven't been getting enough sex huh?" Dome snickered.
"Fuck you Dome!"
"You don't curse much when you're with Saint... But you curse like there's no tomorrow when you're with me? WHY the hell is that Zee?"
"Cause your are my LITTLE TINY TINIE brother..." Zee grinned.
"I'm bringing back Mister Fluffy Mittens with me tonight!" Dome threatened.
"Hey... You promised he could be here for a month!"
"Hah! Who asked you to move out huh? Serve you right!" Dome gleefully teased his brother.
"Dome... I'll kick your damn ass if you back out from your promise!" Zee stood up and scolded at the grinningDome.
"He is MINE." Dome pointed.
"1 month!"
"He likes me more than he likes you!" Zee pointed.
"He is still mine, Zee."
"I went to buy him for YOUR birthday... Technically he is mine too."
"Nope... He is mine and I am bringing him home with me today.... Art and Kev miss him."
"Damn it Dome! You promised!" Zee was fuming.

    At that exact moment, Saint and Pavel entered the living room.

"Why are you yelling Baby?" Saint questioned.
"He's taking back Mister Fluffy Mittens today and breaking his damn promise!" Zee complained.
"He is mine..." Dome muttered.
"He's right Baby... He's not yours..." Saint asserted while looking sympathetically at his boyfriend.
"He promised!" Zee stated.
"You guys look like two parents fighting for their child." Pavel grinned and draped an arm around Dome's shoulders.
"I raised him... Cause Dome was at university at that time."
"Yeah... Parents fighting..." Pavel mused.
"He is still mine Mr Panich..." Dome smiled at his brother.
"Saint... I need a pet!"
"No you don't Zee. I am enough." Saint smiled at him.
"Damn Zee... What have you done to my Boss? This is not my Boss. This is a... Stranger!" Pavel grinned while Saint immediately scowled.
"Shut up Pavel!"
"I've never seen you like this Saint... You're whipped!" Pavel asserted.
"He's not whipped jackass..." Zee glared at him.
"Chill Zee... Was only teasing him." Pavel grinned at the two men.
"Boss... Was only joking..." Pavel patted Saint's shoulder.
"You won't be getting a bonus this year... How about that Pavel Phoom?" Saint whispered dangerously.
"Pavel is not worried about that... The script inspired by his ideas is getting the attention of 3 producers... He might not need his bonus after all, Saint." Dome shared and smiled proudly at Pavel.
"Script? The one with the bodyguard and the actor... The action one? The BL right?" Zee perked up.
"Why Mr Panich... You sound interested... We added some BDSM scenes in them to spice things up... I don't think your bodyguard would like that." Dome explained.
"He's not interested!" Saint growled.
"Joss Wayar seems interested." Pavel shared.
"Then Zee is DEFINITELY NOT INTERESTED!" Saint muttered through gritted teeth.
"He isn't? He is actually Joss Wayar's first choice as the main lead." Dome stated.
"Really?" Zee took a step closer to his brother.
"Are you pulling my leg, Dome?" He asked him.
"No... No... He is already in the movie with you Brat... He doesn't need to be in a series with you too." Saint pulled Zee back to his side.
"Did he really tell you that he wants me to be one of the leads?" Zee ignored Saint who was holding his hand trying to move him from his spot in front of Dome.

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