Meeting Thailand's Number One Star

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"Zee... are okay? Where are you? Is HawaHwa with you? Are you safe?" Dome asked his brother frantically.
"Dome... calm down... I'm fine..."  Zee said.
"Zee... please come home." Dome whispered.
"Are you okay?" Zee asked.
"There's another box Zee..."
"There's... There's ... a finger Zee!" His little brother sounded terrified.
"WHAT? Are you okay Dome? Where are you?"
"I'm inside my car. I don't want to go inside the house." Dome said.
"Call the police... Wait for me okay. Lock your car." Zee cautioned his brother.

Zee searched for his assistant but he couldn't find her. He was at a set shooting for a commercial about 2 hours drive from Bangkok. He dialled her number and she picked up his call.

"HwaHwa, where are you?"
"I'm at the parking lot. Why Zee? Do you need anything?"
"I need to head back home. As soon as possible."
"You haven't finished shooting."
"I need to get back home. Dome needs me." Zee explained.
"I shall inform the director. I'll wait for you at the parking lot?" HwaHwa said.
"Okay... see you in like 5 minutes." Zee hung up and walked out of his changing room.


It was close to 8 in the evening when Zee arrived home. He knew the police had come and the police had left. Dome sounded a little better on the phone after the police left. He just did not like the fact that his brother was all alone at home after what had happened that day. His chauffeur stopped the MPV and Zee quickly jumped out of the car. He was about to reach his house when he stopped at his track. Two ferocious looking dogs came out of nowhere. The two huge dogs were now standing between him and his house. They were growling, snarling and were ready to pounce on him. Zee froze not knowing what to do. He had never seen these magnificent creatures before. Could they be his neighbours? He was not sure but they looked like they could tear his limbs into small bloody pieces.

"Good evening Mr Panich." A man suddenly emerged from the house wearing a black shirt, black jeans and a pair of boots. He had tattoos all over him.
"I'm sorry about that. Art. Kev. Stand down." The man instructed and the dogs stopped all their growling and sat down on their hind legs.
"I'm Pavel Mr Panich and I am your new bodyguard." Pavel walked to Zee and shook his hand.
"Where's my brother?" Zee asked.
"He's inside Mr Panich." Pavel said and they both walked inside.
"How is he?" Zee queried.
"He is better now." Pavel asserted.
"So... you are from Saint Security?"
"Yes Sir." Pavel replied.
"How many of you are here tonight?"
"2 for now." Pavel stated.
"2? Would that enough?" Zee questioned.
"2 of us would be more than sufficient Mr Panich. Then, you just met Artemis and Cavalier who will be guarding the house tonight as well. Have confidence in us Sir." Pavel stated.
"And who's the other body..." Zee trailed when his eyes rested on a beautiful man wearing a dark suit and was talking to his brother. Zee's breath hitched. His mind should be on Dome but he could not stop staring at the arresting looking man. Both Dome and Saint stopped talking when they saw Zee. Saint slowly stood up and walked towards Zee.
"That's my boss." Pavel said.
"Excuse me?" Zee kept staring.
"That's my boss. Owner of Saint Security." Pavel smirked looking at Zee Pruk Panch, Thailand number one actor who was staring at his boss like he wanted to devour him.
"He has that effect on many people." Pavel added.
"Sorry?" Zee turned his face to Pavel.
"That's Saint Suppapong. Owner of Saint Security. He is the other bodyguard guarding your house tonight." Pavel explained again to Zee and the actor simply nodded.
"Good evening Mr Panich." Saint said and extended his hand.
"Good evening." Zee could not take his eyes off the other man while he shook Saint's hand.
"I am Saint Suppapong and I am the owner of Saint Security. Dome met me today about the problem you have and unfortunately today a box was sent to you home again." Saint explained.
"Thank you for helping us Mr Suppapong."
"You can call me Saint.You are welcome."
"Pavel, you need to check for any weak points and any possible points of entry. Set up a working camera  system for tonight and tomorrow bring the tech team to set up the motion sensors as well." Saint instructed and Pavel nodded.
"Are they necessary?" Zee questioned.
"You don't have any CCTV in your house Mr Panich. We have no idea who sent the boxes at all." Saint pointed.
"Excuse me Mr Panich." Pavel nodded his head to Zee and left.
"Hi Zee." Dome greeted his brother.
"How are you?" Zee asked his brother.
"Better." He gave a weak smile.
"What did the police say?" Zee queried.
"It was not a human finger fortunately. It was severed from a mannequin." Saint explained.
"I vomited when I first saw it." Dome gave a weak smile. Zee hugged his brother.
"It's alright Dome... It is understandable." Saint said.
"Most importantly is you are safe Dome." Zee stated and let Dome go.
"Mr Panich may we have all your schedule in the next month so that my team can come up with a plan?" Saint asked.
"I can ask my assistant to send you the schedule." Zee asserted.
"Who is your assistant and may I know who else is working close with you?" Saint questioned.
"Are you suspecting MY people." Zee looked uncomfortable.
"Mr Panich, until we know who is responsible... I even suspect Dome." Saint asserted.
"What the fuck!" Zee growled.
"Zee... He's doing his job." Dome tried calling his brother down.
"Then I can even suspect you then?" Zee taunted.
"Of course... but if I were to stalk you and have any ill intentions to you... Mr Panich... You will be dead by now." Saint stated in a matter of fact manner.
"You will never know that I am coming for you." Saint said.
"Are you threatening me Mr Suppapong?" Zee was fuming. Saint Suppapong might be handsome and beautiful, but he was getting on his nerve.
"No Mr Panich... I was merely stating a fact." Saint muttered while Zee glared at him. Dome was assessing the situation in front of him.
"Zee... Mr Suppapong ... All of us had a long day... why don't all of us sit down and discuss this... Over dinner?" Dome suggested but Zee continued to glare at Saint while Saint continued to challenge his brother by being unconcerned and indifferent to Zee.
"Zee? Mr Suppapong?" Dome smiled weakly at his brother and Saint trying to diffuse the friction between the two.
"Zee..." Dome touched his brother's forearm.
"Mrs Brown has prepared some food for us before she left just now. Please?"
"Fine." Zee growled and stomped towards the dining room.
"I'm sorry Mr Suppapong." Dome muttered.
"Don't worry Dome. Please call me Saint." Saint asserted.
"Let's us head to the dining room." Saint said.

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