Selfish Prick

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"It has been 2 weeks. Nothing has happened." Zee grumbled as he was having his breakfast.
"I understand Mr Panich, but we still don't know who sent those letters and boxes. Not forgetting the intruder whom we still don't know the identity. It is imperative that we stay vigilant with your safety." Saint explained.
"We use a location that you and your people can ensure my safety then. Instead of a concert like previous years... we can have a mini concert with a quarter of the number of people." Zee suggested to Saint who remained immovable with his opinion of the matter.
"Out of the question Mr Panich." Saint responded.
"I don't think your decision matters in this Suppapong." Zee stated.
"You are risking yourself out there. It's something that we cannot afford. What if you or Dome get hurt?"Saint added.
"It's my damn birthday. It's my annual gathering with my fans. It's my responsibility as their favourite artiste to appreciate them."
"Not in the expense of your safety Mr Panich." Saint said adamantly.
"I will still do the mini concert whether you like it or not... I am paying you for my safety. If you can't protect me... I will find someone else who could." Zee said.
"You have been threatening us with the same lines Mr Panich... Just say that you don't need us anymore so we can go on with our separate lives." Saint stated while Zee rolled his eyes.

Dome and Pavel simply stared at the two men. Every time it was Saint's turn to be on duty, Zee without fail would cause such a ruckus and fuss. He would usually be rather considerate and understanding when Podd, Gawin, Max or Tul were on duty. Dome even pointed out a few occasions that Zee would purposely find faults in anything that Saint did. Zee like usual would deny it. Dome and Pavel had also come to notice that Zee would follow Saint wherever he was with his eyes. He might hate Saint's guts but he could not suppress the attraction he had towards Saint. Dome always teased his brother about it. He was lucky that he was his brother because he could get away with nearly anything.

"In one month, birthday celebration and fan meeting at a hotel. 200 most lucky fans." Zee suggested.
"Can YOUR team manage that Mr Suppapong?" Zee asked Saint.
"As you wish Mr Panich." Saint responded.
"Could you stop glaring at me Mr Suppapong?" Zee muttered.
"Glaring? Sir, this is my natural state." Saint informed him.
"No... It is not." Zee countered.
"Please enlighten me... What is actually my natural state in your eyes?" Saint questioned the man.
"I will enlighten you one day but not today." Zee responded. Saint stared at him. His face void of emotion. Zee found it annoying that Saint only showed emotions with other people and not him.
"By the way Mr Panich... I have made changes in the teams. I will no longer be working with Team Alpha with Pavel. I will be replaced with a different bodyguard." Saint explained.
"Where will you be working then?" Zee's jaw ticked.
"I will be with the teams guarding a prince from the royal family." Saint elucidated.
"Why are you working there and not here?" Zee asked.
"Mr Panich... I fear that I am causing you discomfort and in my opinion... You would find me working somewhere else a much favourable option." Saint asserted.
"Are you shirking away from your responsibilities Mr Suppapong?" Zee's eyes narrowed.
"No. I am not. I have most of my best men guarding you." Saint explained.
"Who's the best in Saint Security?" Zee questioned him.
"I am Mr Panich." Saint shared.
"I want the best then. It is immaterial whether I am a Prince or not. That's final." Zee stared at Saint challenging him.
"Are you really sure you want me around you Mr Panich? I am a sight for sore eyes... Especially YOUR eyes Sir." Saint stated.
" I am 100% sure." Zee muttered.
"Now... My Birthday Bash. Are you ready to listen Mr Suppapong?"
"200 of my lucky fans. A small ballroom would suffice. A mini concert. Some meet and greet. Cake cutting. A lucky fan would sing with me. That would be it. Do you think you and your team can handle that Mr Suppapong?" Zee questioned Saint.
"Yes Sir." Saint replied.
"You don't sound ecstatic." Zee grumbled.
"I am not your fan. I am your bodyguard." Saint responded.
"I don't want YOU to be my fan! You're too... Too..."
"Too what Mr Panich?"
"Too serious!"
"I'm protecting your life." Saint answered.
"Too stuffy!"
"Only to those who don't know me." Saint retorted.
"Too arrogant!"
"It takes one to know one Mr Panich." Saint stated as he glared at Zee.
"Too strict!"
"Of course... Cause your life depends on me and my team." Saint asserted.
"Too cold-blooded! Like a snake!" Zee spat. Saint did not say anything except stared at Zee for a while. Saint then sighed.
"Are you done Mr Panich? Are there any other accusations or demeaning things you would like to hurl at me?" Saint asked him.

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