You're Hired

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"Hey Kitty... come here." The blasted cat hissed at Pavel again. He was on his stomach trying to get the cat from hell from out of the bushes.
"Fuck you kitty! Come here!" The cat growled at him.
"You are as feisty as your owner! Come here!" Pavel stretched his arm to get the cat but it swatted his hands.
"Why you..." Pavel stretched his arm further and grabbed the devil-cat from hell on its collar.
"Gotcha!" Pavel said when he heard a gunshot.
"Fuck!" He let the cat go and stood up.
"Art! Kev! Go!" He instructed his dogs which sprinted towards the other side of the big mansion where the gun shot reverberated seconds ago.
"I'll be back Sexy Baby's pussy cat!" Pavel muttered as he ran towards where Artemis and Cavalier had disappeared.


"Did you manage to shoot the intruder?" The Police Detective named Mr Sunny questioned Saint.
"Yes." Saint answered.
"Why are you so sure? Nobody saw anyone. Even the dogs didn't catch anyone. You could be making this up." Zee rolled his eyes.
"Zee..." Dome begged his brother to stop.
"Mr Panich, please Sir." Mr Sunny reprimanded Zee while he continued to show his displeasure over what happened.
"After you shot the intruder... what happened?" Mr Sunny continued.
"He or she jumped out of the open window and by the time I reached the window, the intruder was gone."
"Pavel, can you check the security camera there?" Saint looked at Pavel.
"Working on it." Pavel replied while he was tinkering with his tablet.

    Another Police Officer entered the living room.

"Yes?" Mr Sunny asked the officer who had just arrived.
"Sir... we found traces blood on the farthest wall. The intruder could have used the trees there to climb in and to climb out." The Officer explained.
"Send a forensic team there." Mr Sunny instructed and the police officer left.
"Here's a footage that I managed to find." Pavel showed to Mr Sunny a black figure clambering up a tree and disappearing into the night. A few moment later Artemis and Cavalier arrived barking frantically up the tree. Then, Pavel arrived and followed by Saint.
"Zee..." Dome's face leeched colour.
"That person was in OUR house! He could have hurt you!"
"Or the he could be a she. We cannot rule out anyone." Saint pointed.
"Pavel, didn't I instruct you to lock all the windows and them all?" Saint questioned his second in command.
"I did. I even checked all the doors and any possible point of entry." Pavel answered.
"How did the intruder enter the house? You didn't see the intruder getting into the mansion right?" Mr Sunny pondered and Pavel nodded.
"First possibility, the intruder was already in the house even before we set up perimeter. Second, the intruder has access to the house. The intruder could have keys. Or the intruder knew where Pavel had set up the cameras. He or she is very smart then." Saint pointed all the while Dome looked even more terrified than before.
"Mr Panich... Dome... You are in grave danger. Since you refuse my company's service, I would advice you to find another as soon as possible." Saint stated.
"I would suggest MewGulf Security because I have worked with them before and they are one of the best." Saint explained to Zee and Dome. Saint then took out his phone.
"I have just sent you their contact numbers. You can call either one of them; they would help you." Saint asserted.
"Anything else Mr Sunny?" Saint asked the police detective.
"No Mr Suppapong." Mr Sunny answered and he stood up. He then shook hands with Saint.
"If you have anything that you would like to ask or need anything you need please contact Pavel and I. We will give our full cooperation."Saint informed him.
"We need the security footage." Mr Sunny said to Pavel and Pavel nodded.
"Thank you gentlemen." Mr Sunny nodded to Zee and Dome before leaving.
"I'm hungry." Pavel suddenly muttered making all eyes rested on him.
"Hey... the last time I ate was a banana you whacked on my head." Pavel grinned at Dome.
"I can get breakfast ready." Dome said.
"Zee... please reconsider your decision. Saint and Pavel are already here. They have helped us. We could have been injured or worse... dead!" Dome said to his brother while Zee was rolling his eyes blatantly showing how he hated the two men standing in front of him especially Saint.
"Dome, let your brother decide. We are professionals. Whatever decision made, we would accept it." Saint explained without showing much emotions to what was happening in front of him.
"I'm going back to the room to see what I missed. Maybe you can check the perimeter again with Art and Kev." Saint instructed Pavel who nodded and left.
"I thought he's hungry?" Dome stared at the retreating back of Pavel.
"He'll live." Saint replied and left as well.
"I don't like them." Zee muttered.
"You don't like him... not them." Dome pointed.
"They are good Zee and you KNOW this." Dome added while Zee crossed his arms showing his distaste.
"You always like people unlike me... what happened?" dome questioned his brother.
"That PRICK happened. Just look at him acting as if he knows everything." Zee complained.
"Maybe he does... when it comes to our safety and security." Dome argued.
"Well I still don't like him." Zee grumbled.
"He saved YOUR life Zee. Think about it." Dome pointed.
"I'm going to get breakfast ready." Dome said and stood up.
"I don't want to make any more decisions since you don't like the decisions I made." Dome continued.
"YOU decide this time Zee." Dome said before walking away.
"No! You decide!" Dome grumbled as he walked away.
"Damn it!" Zee muttered. He heaved a sigh and closed his eyes. He could see Saint Suppapong's face in his mind.
"Fuck it!" He stood up and stomped away from the living room and up the stairs.

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