Saint Security

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    Dome Woranart Ratthanaphast was nursing his vodka in that packed club that Friday night when a man came standing next to him. He eyed the other man but continued to people watch while drinking his favourite drink. Dome noticed that the other man was clearly checking him out. He ignored the other man's perusal and continued to enjoy the scene. He was definitely not his type.

"Are you alone?" The man asked.
"Nope." Dome lied.
"You look like you need some company tonight." The obnoxious man persisted. Dome sipped his vodka and tried to ignore him.
"Want to fuck?" The man asked.
"No, I don't want to fuck." He replied.
"Come on!" The man grabbed his arm and made him spilled his drink.
"Let my arm go." Dome growled.
"You look like you need some of my dick tonight."
"Let go." Dome persisted.
"Come on Baby...."
"I'm not your Baby nor I am interested in you." Dome tried tugging his arm out of his grasp.
"Let's have fun."
"You look so sexy." The other man groaned and tried fondling Dome's ass.
"HE SAID HE'S NOT ALONE!" Dome heard a voice behind him.
"Who the fuck are you?" The obnoxious man asked and then yelped when the person behind Dome twisted his arm.
"I'm his Daddy." The voice answered and pushed the obnoxious man away.

The new man wrapped his arm around Dome's shoulder and pulled Dome to his side.

"Stay away from him Fucker!" The new man cursed.
"He's not alone. He definitely does not need your puny dick . He belongs to me." The new man continued.
"Scram... stay away from him." He added.

The obnoxious man stared at Dome and the new guy standing next to him. He fisted his hands.

"Dumbass... don't even try. I will break that arm of yours." New man threatened.
"Fuck you!" Obnoxious man spat.
"No thank you." New man replied.
"Why you...!" Obnoxious man swung his arm towards Dome but the new man blocked his arm and punched the obnoxious man in the throat. The obnoxious man staggered a few steps back and fell on his knees while holding his throat.
"I warned you... didn't I?" The new man murmured and grabbed the obnoxious man's arm. He gave the obnoxious man a grin and stomped his boot onto the arm with a crack. The new man then signalled some of the club bouncers to help him with the obnoxious guy who was screaming on the floor.

The new man then let the obnoxious man's arm go and walked towards Dome while ignoring his bouncer friends lifting the man away.

"The name is Pavel." The new man drawled.
"I should care because?" Dome questioned.
"Ouch... You hurt my heart." Pavel joked.
"You'll live." Dome retorted.
"Not even a thank you... no nothing from you?" Pavel asked.
"No." Dome replied and turned around but stopped when Pavel held his arm.
"Dance with me." Pavel suggested.
"I don't dance." Dome answered.
"Have a drink with me." Pavel insisted.
"No thank you."
"Have sex with me." Pavel murmured.
"Not interested." Dome said.
"I find you very intriguing." Pavel whispered.
"I find you very annoying. Let go of my arm." Dome growled and Pavel let his arm go.
"Remember my name... It is Pavel. Maybe fate will unite us in the future ... one will never know." Pavel smiled.
"I doubt it." Dome asserted and walked away from Pavel.
"Hey Sexy... I am always here in this club on most Fridays... If you need me... I'll be here." Pavel shouted while Dome was walking away ignoring him.

    Dome arrived home close to 1 in the morning. When he reached the gate of his house, he could see a black box in front of the gate. Fear gripped his heart. This was not the first, nor second nor the third time Zee his brother had received boxes like this. Dome looked around and there was no nobody around. Dome slowly unlocked his car and stepped outside. He walked slowly towards the box and used his foot to open it. Dome gasped when he saw something bloody in the box. He could smell blood coming off the box. He staggered a few feet away from the box and ran back into his car and locked it. He fumbled with the remote that opened the gate. He pressed the button and the gate opened slowly. Dome was terrified and was watching his surrounding before zooming into his house compound. Dome stayed in his car for a while before dashing into the house. These threats on Zee were getting out of hand. He was terrified for his brother.

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