Kissed By His Beautiful Bodyguard

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    Zee stared down at Saint. They had arrived home. Nonetheless, it was his home and not the Saint Security headquarters. Gawin and Podd were waiting for so long that Zee instructed them to leave Saint and him in the car. Even his driver had left the car.

"Why did I do this?" Zee grumbled and sighed. He knew that answer to his question. Guilt.

    He continued to think. His personal doctor had arrived and was waiting for them to get inside too. He wondered what Saint would do if he knew that he did not follow what he said. Would he finally snap and punch his face? Zee studied the sleeping Saint again. The man must be really tired. He checked Saint's injury again and the bleeding had finally stopped. It was getting quite late, people were waiting for them to get into the house and not only that; he was getting really hungry. Zee sighed as he began regretting his rash decisions in bringing Saint back to his house. He gently touched Saint's shoulder and nudged the man. Nothing happened. Zee sighed and shook his head.

"Suppapong?" Zee touched his shoulder again. Nothing happened.
"Saint?" Zee whispered and stared down at the sleeping man.

    Surprisingly Saint opened his eyes this time. He was staring back at Zee. He blinked a few times.

"We're home." Zee whispered.

    Still, Saint lay on Zee's lap while doing nothing except stared back at the famous actor.

"Do you still hurt?" Zee asked Saint.

    Saint remained silent. Zee was becoming increasingly nervous.

"Suppapong?" Zee called his name.

Zee was shocked when Saint grabbed the back of his neck and plastered his lips onto his. He practically stopped breathing. Saint's opened his mouth and he moaned when Zee reciprocated the kiss. Zee stared into Saint's eyes. He was lost in the kiss and he was lost in Saint's eyes staring up at him with such needs and wants in them. Then, Zee yelped and pulled his head up when Saint bit his upper lip. His beautiful bodyguard stared back at him. Passion filled his eyes.

"Why did you bite me?" Zee murmured. He licked the cut and he could taste blood.
"Cause you're an asshole." Saint whispered.
"Fuck you!" Zee spat.
"Gladly." Saint countered and pulled Zee's face towards his.

Both Zee and and Saint moaned as their lips touched for the second time. Their lips battled and their tongues fought for dominance. As fast as their kiss started, Zee noticed something was not right. He stopped his kisses and raised his head.

"What the hell?" Zee cursed when he saw that Saint was sleeping again.
"Saint?" Zee whispered. He raised his head farther up to see the man on his lap better.
"Suppapong?" The ashen pallor that Saint had, made Zee a little worried.
"Suppapong??!!" Zee shook his body but the man on his lap still did not open his eyes.
"Shit!" Zee took out his cellphone and called Dome.
"Find me Pavel and the others. Saint fainted." He barked at his brother.
"What? What happened Zee?" Dome asked.
"Get them to the car NOW jackass! Hurry!" Zee cut the call and stared down worriedly at Saint.

    Zee could hear footsteps and the door next to him was opened from the outside. Pavel, Gawin and Podd looked inside the car while Dome stood a little further behind.

"Get him inside. Put him in the bedroom closest to the library." Zee instructed.
"My doctor's somewhere in the house. Dome?" Zee called for his brother.
"Farah's in the living  room." Dome told him.
"He is bleeding... Here. A cut or something." Zee pointed at his bloodied shirt.

Pavel, Gawin and Podd carefully carried Saint out from the car and into the house. Zee gathered his cellphone and also Saint's iPads with him before following them. Zee dumped all the gadgets on one of the shelves in his office before walking towards the bedroom where Saint should be. When he got into the room, his doctor who was also his friend had begun checking on Saint. Pavel, Gawin and Podd left the room leaving Zee and the doctor tending to Saint. His beautiful bodyguard was on the bed with Farah checking on him.

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