Chapter 2

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2 weeks later

I got smacked in the head." Wake up" Erica hissed.

I had taken a short nap after dinner and Erica said she'd wake me up from my nap when we needed to go.

Right now all the other students were asleep.

"Owwww!!" I yelled but Erica slapped her hand over my mouth.

"Shut up" Erica said coldly.

So for the past 2 weeks Erica has not let me out of her eyesight. Also with me and Erica we had a few moments not many. 

Though we turned snuggling into a nightly thing.

Erica has been her normal coldness and her normal happiness around me. I got a mix of those and I don't think that's changing anytime soon.

Erica has been cold to me a lot of times when it's just us but there were many times she was nice and sweet to me. Just us.

"Five more minutes" I replied.

"If I give you five more minutes I will never snuggle with you again" Erica said quickly.

I hopped out of bed. Erica looked bored to death. She was wearing her normal black uniform. She was tapping her foot.

"I'm waiting" she said impatiently.

"For what" I asked.

"Pack up for the mission " Erica replied like I was the dumbest person ever.

I zipped back and forth packing and Erica has a stop watch.

"And done" I said zipping my bag. It had extra clothes. Weapons. Pins. Writing tools. Food that is healthy because Erica dumped out all the bad food and replaced it with healthy food. I also had energy drinks and had many soda syrups with caffeine in it because on missions in my head we all need that sometimes.

"1:19 seconds. Not bad at all. Here pick 5 and take them with you/ I'll take the rest and decide if I should give you them. You have to stay alert and eat healthy food but you can snack on stuff" Erica said.

Yes! I grabbed my 5 favorite and then Erica shoved the rest in her utility belt.

We both shoved everything in backpacks so we could easily carry them.

"Erica I'm becoming a better spy" I said.

"You were the 10th best spy in this school. Now since I have trained you, you are probably the 4th best spy in this school. I want you to be the second best or maybe even better then me" Erica said.

It was nice how Erica believed in me.

Everyday Erica would litteritly sit through my classes bored to death keeping an eye on me. She would then drag me to shooting after school. Then we would.fight for 2 hours.

For 2 weeks this happened.

"Come on. We have to start the mission" Erica whispered.

We climbed out my window so no one  could hear us in the hallway.

We jumped down and I landed gracefully. For the first time ever.

"Nice job Ben" Erica said.

I smiled.

We ran through the woods. Just before we were about to get into eyesight where the others would be able to see us Erica stopped me.

"Ben I'm being cold to everyone else so that means when we are in a group with others I am treating you just like the others. If were alone I will decide. But, we can still do nightly cuddling/snuggling each night. I actually enjoy that" Erica said.

Spy School: Black forestWhere stories live. Discover now