Chapter 5

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It's been a few days. Me and Erica were still lying there with our hands intertwined like we started.

Erica's hair was a mess. It wasn't brushed.

Whatever organization this is took her hair down from a bun. 

There was blood in it. 

I wasn't doing much better. We both had a blob of dried up blood around us.

We had had a few Berica moments. Don't tell anyone else.

We haven't really talked about the mission trying to avoid all the questions in our heads.

It went like this. Day after day after day. For 2 weeks.

We both were starving and thirsty. They hadn't given us anything to drink or eat for 2 weeks.

"I'm done with doing this. It's been 2 weeks" I said.

"Your fine" Erica replied.

I released her hand since 2 weeks. Seriously. Our hands were intertwined for 2 weeks.

I stood up and pulled Erica up.

"You dumb dumb" Erica stated clearly upset with me.

"I'm the dumb one" I questioned.

"Yeah your a boy. You have the Y chromosome so it also makes you more annoying" Erica said.

"That hurts Erica. A lot. After everything we've accomplished with each other and done together that just hurt. Also just because I have the Y chromosome doesn't mean I'm very dumb or annoying" I said.

Erica stared at me.

"Ok if you say so" Erica said looking out.

I turned her around" I say so" I sternly said.

Erica punched me" Don't touch me" She coldly said.

She punched me back which just made me want to kick her.

She obviously kicked me back.

We kept attacking each other. Nether one of us could really get hits on each other cause we used the same tactics and knew what they were doing.

Erica got a punch in my face. So I did it to her.

She was about to punch me again but I caught her fist. I pulled it down.

"Erica pause" I said. Erica didn't nod. But I knew she was listening."They are just leaving us in here so we turn on each other. They want us to turn on each other and maybe break each other before they have to. My point is they want us to turn on each other"

Erica stopped her fighting stance."I am sorry Ben." Erica said.

"It's ok" I said"We need to figure out why they wanted us to turn on each other"

I would ask Erica for some food but the organization finally decided to take her utility belt a while ago.

We both laid back down on the ground and cuddled.

I know we were in a bad situation but being with Erica was comforting for me.

She held her arms around me. We took a short nap but were awaken by a big loud sound

They throught that I was fully asleep.  We heard someone made a quiet noise

Then we heard the noise of someone being thrown in.

Then you heard the loud sound but this time it was the only way out, closing.

I looked over to see who was the unlucky person getting thrown in.

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