Chapter 4

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I was laying in bed. We had found a new hotel.

Erica was right next to me. We both were still awake.

"I give up on sleeping" I said as I sat up. Erica sat up as well.

"Ben you need it" Erica said.

"If you can deal with 1 hour of sleep then so can I " I said

"Ben, not everyone is like me. I want you to get sleep. I don't want you to get tired" Erica said" It will effect your functioning"

"You run away from your nightmares so why can't I run away from feeling bad about killing people and why can't I run away from being paranoid" I stated.

"How do you know about all my nightmares" Erica asked.

"Your mom. I also thought you had no problems except for you being ice cold and had your heart broken" I said.

"See, Ben even the strongest people struggle. Whether if they can put up an act or not then there is still a struggle for people." Erica said.

"ok" I said.

I laid back down. Erica moved closer to me. I felt her warm skinny body touching mine.

Her arm was around me and her legs were. 

"I'll try to sleep" I said. Erica nodded.

Next thing I knew I was asleep.

------time Skip------

"Yeah" I heard Erica whisper.

I then heard Catherine's voice. I pretend to still be asleep.

"Erica someday you have to confess how you feel about him" Catherine said.

"I will. I will. I love him why wouldn't I tell him I liked him. I totally skipped the I like you part and went to the we can become a thing." Erica exclaimed.

Oh...she loves me.

"Well, remember you can trust him. Epically with your heart" I heard Catherine say

"I know. He's the only person I have" Erica said.

"You have me" Catherine said to Erica.

"Not really. You don't live in America. We see each other basically on missions and when we talk it's through the phone like now but this time your just right next to my room.. Also you can't always pick up" Erica said.

I felt bad for Erica. She might be outstanding but she has some family problems she can't run from.

"You've got your father" 



"Strict, doesn't want relationships, mean and scares Ben"

She thought about me.


"All I have. I have my trust in him. If he ever breaks it that's the end of me. I would never let someone inside my walls of ice again. Well he actually broke most of the wall but only for HIM I will specify" Erica said.

"Ok" Catherine"I'm tired. I want to sleep" 

Erica hung up."I've got no one" She whispered.

I decided to sit up and high her."You've got me and you admitted it" I said.

"Yeah. Maybe" was her response. Yeah maybe. Really.

I swear there are times she loves me and their are times she likes me and there are times she hates me.

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