Chapter 8

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"Wake up!!" Cyrus yelled.

"Cyrus!!!!" I yelled back while rubbing my eyes.

He smiled at me through the mirror" Yeah" He asked.

"Don't do that anymore" I said.

"Fine. But your a party pooper" Cyrus said grumpy.

"That's 1 thing I can agree with you on" Erica said removing her head from my shoulder.

Mike and Zoe were taking their beautiful time to wake up.

"Zoe! Mike!" I said" We're under attack!!! DUCK!!!" I yelled.

They both rushed up and then fell on the ground trying to duck. Catherine and Cyrus were laughing while Erica was smiling but I could tell she was laughing in the inside.

"So, how fun in Hale world do you think I am" I asked.

"Perfect" Cyrus said.

Zoe and Mike popped back up and in their seats."That was mean Ben" Mine said.

"Well you didn't hear Cyrus yell wake  up" I replied."So why did you need us to wake up"

"Cause the sun is out so you guys should of been awake. I already knew Erica was waking up" Cyrus said. We all nodded."I know we're spys but I mean we can still play games. We still have a long trip ahead of us" 

Cyrus was smirking when he was saying this. Catherine glared at him" No we will not cause then you are going to mess your sister's feelings up" Catherine said.

Cyrus slumped back in his seat and crossed his arms" Fine mom. But your less fun then Ben which is saying something " Cyrus said.

"Hey!" I replied.

"Oh sorry. No offense" Cyrus said.

"You know for my older brother you don't seem to be that mature. I was actually thinking you were 5 years younger then Ben" Erica said.

"Good one" Zoe said popping into the conversation.

"Hey! I'm your older brother you shouldn't be talking to me like that" Cyrus snapped.

"But I did" Erica said.

"And you didn't have the right to." Cyrus replied.

"Just because your my older brother doesn't mean anything!" Erica said.

"Guys! Stop fighting" Catherine yelled.

"I am your older brother so I can tell you anything to do and you don't talk back to me!" Cyrus yelled at Erica.

I heard Mike whisper to Zoe" Hale fight. I always thought whenever any Hale fought each other it would be a physical fight"

"Ya! Just cause I'm you younger sister doesn't mean I have to listen to you!!" Erica fired back.

"You two STOP!!" Catherine yelled over them.

Cyrus and Erica just ignored their mother and kept arguing.

I looked over my shoulder and said to Mike" It's not a fight. It's an argument " 

"What's the difference" Mike asked.

"The difference is..." I was saying but Mike is had cut me off by saying" You know what. I don't care"

"How the heck did it turn into yelling. The smallest problem into a large problem" I asked.

"Their siblings. They fight over everything" Catherine said.

"Ben I'm right" Erica and Cyrus said.

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