Chapter 7

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Come on Cyrus and Mike. Get here faster.

Catherine and Zoe went to the other side of the cell afraid.

Erica brought the gun to her head.

No! Tears streamed down my face also.

"No one cares or loves me anymore. BEN YOU WERE THE LAST!! and you broke me. I have no other option" Erica said.

She turned the safety off.

I ran to her and pushed her down. I knocked the gun out of her hands and kicked it over to Catherine and Zoe. Catherine carefully picked it up.

I pinned her down again. Erica was looking at me tears still down her face. I never knew Erica could cry this long. Matter of fact I didn't know she could cry.

"Let me go!!" She yelled.

I didn't. I tightened my grip on her.

"don't you ever dare think about killing yourself" I said to her.

"Why do you care" Erica asked.

"Cause I love and care for you" I replied softly.

Erica's face chilled down. I sat up and pulled her over to me. She wrapped her arms around me and laid her head on my shoulder. I felt her tears down my shoulder. I could feel her breathing. It started slowing down to normal pace.

Wait...I just told her I loved her. Welp the secret is out.

I was rubbing her back"It's ok" I soothed her.

Catherine came next to me and so did Zoe.

"I don't know what to say" Zoe whispered in my ear.

"Don't say anything" I replied.

Zoe nodded and went go mind her own business. Catherine patted Erica's shoulder" I care for you" Catherine said.

"No you don't" Erica responded. "If you did you would notice some certain things by now" 

"I know your favorite color. Food. Game. Boy..." Catherine was smirking.

Erica nodded her head. "That's not what I'm talking about. Those are all very obvious answers. Black. Salad. Who can stand the longest in the fight or freaking Ben out and Ben" Erica answered.

I laughed.

Then I said" She's a fragile person in the inside. She just needed to know someone who could break down her walls and know her and someone who would never betray her and so on. She puts on a show."

Erica nodded a yes.

Tears were still dropping down her face so I rocked us back and forth.

She soon stopped crying. "I'm not letting go" Erica said to me.

I patted her back."That's ok you don't have to" I said calmly.

She looked at me and smiled. That wonderful cute smile."Thank you Ben. For everything "

"Did they give you drugs" I asked.

Erica nodded. No wonder why she was so emotional.

"What did they say to you" I asked gently." To make you think that you betrayed me"

"They put me on drugs. A whole lot and they showed me multiple videos with you or someone who looked like you doing bad things. They then injected something into me that made me think whatever they said was true" Erica said.


The door opened. All of us stood up. Well I put Erica on my back cause if we were running now it would be easier to run with her on my back and I knew she wasn't going to detach quite yet. 

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