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Warning: Child Abuse, Death & More🚨

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The little girl's eyes fluttered open as the bright light danced through the cloth that covered the single tiny window.

She looked around collecting her thoughts as the shuffling on the opposite side of the room began catch her attention.

The slim woman was pushing some of the junk around, she seemed to be looking for something frantically almost as though she was scared.

(Y/n) turned to her left and shook the person beside her.

"Nii-Chan" she whispered almost inaudibly "Mama came back" she whispered shaking him gently.

She frowned slightly. He hadn't answered her in days and his body had gotten much more cold.

she didn't understand why. Was he mad at her?

Did she do something wrong?

Nevertheless she just wanted her brother to answer her.

Whenever their mother came in, it was always tense.

She hugged his cold body in hopes that he'd atleast comfort her and tell her not to be scared.

"Fuck! We don't have time- Gather as much as you can!" A deeper voice echoed through the room from outside.

It was Kai, her mother's boyfriend. A shiver ran down her spine as she recognized the voice.

(Y/n) feared a lot of things, but this man was at the top of the list.

His dark eyes scanned the room until they locked onto her glassy (e/c) ones. She flinched before quickly ducking her head under her brother's arm.

It was obvious he spotted her but she just felt the urge to hide.

"What? Come on we have to hurry!" Her mom yelled.

"You still haven't taken care of that shit?" He asked ponting at the little boy.

"I don't know where to hid-"

"I don't care about that! It's starting to smell- take it away" He argued.

"Well where do i keep him?" She asked

"Crap- just- Here. Get me a rug" He groaned stomping over to the pair.

With full force he dragged the boy from his sister's grasp and hauled him over his shoulder with easy.

She gasped and turned to the man towering over her.

"Give him back" she whined making grabby hands at him.

He scoffed and walked away to the woman who set a rug on the damp floor.

(Y/n) was weak, but still she used the little energy she had to stand up and chase after him.

Kai dropped her brother carelessly onto the rug making her gasp in shock, the way his bones cracked as his limp figure hit the ground.

She didn't understand much of what was going on but she knew that would have hurt him.

She dashed past the man over to her brother's side shaking him as she sobbed. "It's okay- wake up!"

"Control your kid! I don't have time for this!" Kai roared at his girlfriend.

"What do we do with her? Should we bring her along!?"

"I don't know- just- clean her up. I don't want that smell in my car" Kai said pointing at the girl.

Baby Jackal | MSBY X Child reader ✅Where stories live. Discover now