Chapter 5- Daughter

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Once upon a time there was a dark queen who did not love her kingdom or her king.

The Valg Queen had great new power and she  discovered how to walk between worlds where she found a beautiful world full of magic and life  in which she hid herself in using her power to pretend to be the third of the two Fae Sister-Queens Mora and Mab.

Her husband, the Valg King Orcus  searched and searched for her, eventually forging 3 Wyrdkeys with his two brothers to open a Wyrdgate into Erilea.
They found the Fae but he did not recognise Maeve in her Fae  form so their armies battled until Maeve use her knowledge of the Valg to defeat them.

She stole the keys from the Kings and banished Orcus and Mantyx but this led Brannon Fire-Bringer to suspect her so he stole the third Wyrdkey from her and fled leaving Erawan still in Erilea.

While Maeve feared Brannon's fire and light magic she could've killed him, but she'd made one colossal mistake. She'd fallen in love.

Athril: a handsome Fae warrior who's animal form was an owl and had incredible healing magic. Maeve had never loved before him but he was her lover before helped his friend Brannon escape by battling the daemon he loved until she was forced to kill him. In the momentary hesitation Maeve had before fighting him, Athril hid his ring of Silba that he knew she desired with his sword of truth Goldwyn so she could not grant herself immunity from the Valg. Furious Maeve killed him but Brannon was already gone.

While Maeve did not have Athril's ring to protect her she soon discovered he'd left behind a child growing inside of her Fae body. Once born Maeve held a flicker of some emotion towards the baby girl that allowed to her to live only until she knew the extent of her powers.

When Maeve discovered her daughter not only possessed some of her dark magic but also Athril's healing magic she knew Freya would be one of her strongest weapons against the Valg Kings when they eventually returned. So she bound Freya to her and she was forced to spend thousands of years at her mothers side in her white barn owl form that so reminded Maeve of Athril, the only person she'd ever loved.

 So she bound Freya to her and she was forced to spend thousands of years at her mothers side in her white barn owl form that so reminded Maeve of Athril, the only person she'd ever loved

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