Chapter 20- Dawn

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When Fenrys awoke, he'd fully expected to be alone once more, but to no amount of male satisfaction, she was still there, in his arms, dark eyes blinking open. He'd never seen anything more beautiful. The morning light peeked it's way through the thick canvas tent, making the gold in her sleepy eyes glow.

"Staring are we?" he teased gently.
"Of course, I only surround myself with pretty things, you know that Fenrys."
"Hmmm yes, at your age it must be the only thing tolerable."

She grinned brilliantly, stretching out like a great cat yawning, "Indeed, only the prettiest of males are even allowed in my esteemed ancient presence."
He growled at the plural, and she snorted.
"Don't worry pup, you are by far the prettiest."

He paused and then leaned in closely, his breath tickling her neck, "I think you use that word to embarrass me, but I quite like it."
Her toes curled at his closeness, and she subconsciously arched her neck towards him, his break quickened and she giggled, "One movement and you're already having a stroke, what will you call me then pup?"

"Puppy killer." He grinned dangerously and she laughed softly, gaze dropping to his mouth.

His eyes darkened, and they both knew the word he wished to utter, the one they both did, to claim it.

He said nothing, drawing his face back up to look down at her, onyx eyes searching her face restlessly.

Carefully, she raised herself onto her elbows, her gaze burning holes into his soul, and the look on his face, the wanting, gave her enough confidence to draw closer still, brushing her lips, feather light, against his jaw.
She could hear his blood racing, pulse jumping, matching her own, and he turned his head slightly, meeting his lips to hers.

Gently, tentatively, he moved his mouth against her own, learning the softness of her lips, the way she caught his own strongly, dominating the kiss.
Her hands found his hair, bunching themselves in the golden tresses as one of his own moved to hold the nape of her neck, the other holding himself up as he leaned into her body.

It grew more heated, her hands trailing down his body as she arched into him, she caught his bottom lip with her fangs in a growl, that he echoed lowly back, the sound reverberating down through her body as their tongues twisted and danced, wrestling for dominance.

Her body was singing, singing to him in response to every move he made, everywhere he touched, it burned, like his hands were the fire and she the fuel burning. His attention moved to her neck licking and kissing, but as he trailed his fangs over that damned spot, the very one where her life source thrummed, she stilled.


He did. Panic coursing through his features.
"I'm sorry, I didn't-"

"It's okay," she soothed him, eyes kind but firm, "It's okay but.. we just can't, I can't, do you understand?"

He nodded, he understood what it would mean, what it would create, just having her there was enough to make his heart beat quicker, singing.

Relief washed her face, before quickly turning into mischievous glee,
"Not...yet, anyway."

He groaned, straining at her words, falling onto his back next to her, staring at the ceiling above them, teeth gritted in restraint.

She chuckled, rolling away from him and getting up to get dressed, feeling his eyes behind her as she bent to pick up her discarded clothes. Quickly and efficiently she dressed herself.

She moved to leave through the the tent flap, but paused, turning back to look at him, and he could've sworn he saw a flicker of sadness as she gazed at him before it was replaced with amusement,
"You better get dressed or the men will have eaten anything that's not moving, and then you'll be grumpy and hungry." She smirked and threw his leathers at him before slipping out before he could growl a response.


He heeded her warning and quickly readied himself, following just minutes later, prowling over to greet Aelin and Rowan, already dressed and talking quietly over their breakfast.

As he approached, his queen turned to look at him, wicked delight filling her eyes as she grinned at him,

"Busy night, Moonbeam?"

As Rowan choked on his mouthful, Fenrys merely growled, "And what would you know of it, majesty?"

She chuckled, "Turns out Gavriel is a bigger gossip than all washerwomen in Erilea combined."
He whirled around furiously, spotting the lion conversing quietly with some of the khagnate, who met his eyes with quiet amusement dancing in his own.

"A little known fact about The Lion," Rowan murmured clearing his throat, "Sit down pup, eat your breakfast, Freya's not nearly as concerned as you are." He jerked his chin over his shoulder, where she indeed was sat seemingly carefree, eating and laughing with Yrene.

He relaxed at the sight, then adopted his usual swagger, and lumbered over to the table, not before throwing a warning glance to Aelin, who was still stifling her grin.

They talked and ate, Rowan leaving to discuss travel with the wild men- who stayed at the far edge of the camp.
Fenrys turned to Aelin suddenly, his confident mask dropping for a moment, "What does it feel like, the mating bond?"

Surprise flickered in her eyes, before she thought for a moment, "It's difficult to explain, like you can feel their life between you, flowing and linked inexplicably to your own, I can feel what he feels of me, if that makes sense.." she trailed off at the sadness that had been cast onto his face like a shadow.

"What,...what if you can feel something, like the pull of it, but you're not...connected?"

She thought for a moment, taking him seriously for once, she could see the doubt he was feeling.

"Well err, things do improve when you, ahem" she cleared her throat awkwardly, "You know, when you actually mate."
He grinned at the thought, but it quickly slipped off of his face as he remembered her response to him earlier.

I can't.

Not because she didn't want to, but there was something else, something she hid with a mask of cold or warmth, dependant on the situation, the sheer panic that slipped into her eyes, when she thought no one would see, but he always saw.
Saw that momentary glimpse of pure fear, fear of something that none of them knew.


Since I only roughly planned this story's plot, I just decided how it's going to end- I think !! Much more interesting than what I'd sort of imagined before... I hope!
Thanks again for reading :)

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