Chapter 8- Reunions

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Chaol Westfall nearly had a heart attack , when, Aelin Galathynius and most of her court appeared in the royal tent he, Yrene, Hasar, Sartaq and Nesryn were standing in.

"I thought you were in Terrasen," he blurted. The shock soon turning to relief and emotion, but the fire queen only took a step towards him and let out a sob, not of relief in rejoining her allies, but to see him he realised, standing upright.

" I knew you would do it" she said embracing him.

"Not alone, .......Yrene,". Yrene stepped forward emotion clear in her eyes she held out a shaking hand, in it the piece of paper Calaena Sardothien had given her all those years ago.

"Thank you. I didn't waste it, not one bit of what you gave me, I became the heir apparent to the High Healer at the Torre and taught every young girl I knew what you taught to me"

"Yrene Towers," Aelin breathed silver lining her turquoise eyes.

"Yrene Towers no more, allow me to introduce Lady Yrene Westfall, my wife."

At that Aelin let out another choked joyous sob and quickly introduced her husband and mate, fluttering her eyelashes at him until he rolled his eyes, and then naming the rest of her court each in turn.

She got to Fenrys last and paused, "Fenrys, I don't even know your family name, do you have one?"

Gavriel groaned and Rowan chuckled as Fenrys's faced shifted into wicked glee , "Fenrys Moonbeam majesty."

Aelin's eyes narrowed but she choked on a laugh, "It is not" she hissed blinking six times.

"I am blood sworn to you my queen. Would I lie ?" he grinned. Sartaq swore softly in his native language, clearly having heard the legends about Fenrys, Gavriel, Rowan and Lorcan.

She cackled and continued, and then the khagnate were introduced, an awkward moment followed when Hasar informed Aelin she couldn't wait to be impressed; a challenge from royal warrior and arrogant woman to another. Aelin was unfazed.

A darkness flickered in her eyes though, as he took her in properly now. The pale skin unmarred by her familiar scars, her hair long- to her navel and darker than her usual spun gold. However there was a bright addition of a gold ring on her finger, matching the prince beside her. Hours of stories, he knew she couldn't explain to him yet, of where she'd really been.

They argued for an age, Aelin set on convincing Sartaq and Hasar to march to Terrasen with them along with their enormous army (she was still shocked by just how many the khagnan had sent) when Borte entered complaining about some shifter- who soon joined them.

Borte took one look at the Fae males in the room, and paused. They were all considerably gorgeous, but she was only looking at their utterly wicked fangs and pointed ears in awe and delight.

"Make them roll over before you offer them a treat," Aelin winked to the girl.

Lorcan growled but Fenrys just grinned and shifted in a flash, the enormous white wolf filling the crowded tent, and he rolled over with a huff, Borte beamed and cackled with Aelin. The cadre just looked on exasperated with his antics.

The shifter, Falkan was reacquainting himself with the court, just explaining their encounters with the kharankui (Stygian spiders) when Fenrys shifted back at the exact moment all the Fae males stilled.

Their nostrils flared, Fenrys looked in horror to Aelin, "Maeve" he whispered. The whole room silenced.

Lorcan shook his head, "It feels like her, it's a powerful presence, but it's not her, it's not as dark."

Gavriel and Rowan nodded in agreement. Visibly relaxing, Rowan concentrated, "Whatever it is, it's approaching fast."

Aelin began to walk out of the tent into the moonlight outside, the others followed.

She shifted, scenting the night air, whoever approached, smelled... familiar.

Fortunately Hasar and the others didn't didn't say a word, they just stood in silence, weapons drawn, waiting on the battlements of the sleeping city with faces looking out to the twinkling sky.

The wind rustled through the trees, the wounded soldiers moans echoed faintly out of the keep and then, near silent powerful wing beats filled the air as a ghostly phantom swept through the air.

The white feathers of the barn owl shone under the moon drawing nearer before it was landing on the wall before them. It tucked its wings away and became still, stood staring at them silently.

Aelin cocked her head, ignoring the tense males growling in warning softly behind her. She looked to Rowan.

Tell me that's just a stupid  owl.

Rowan's face tightened.

I don't think so love.

The owl remained sat, as if nervous to shift before them, petrified.

"Show yourself, spy," the queen's voice rang out into the crisp clear night.

A flash of light. She stood before them hood drawn.
Slowly she removed it, facing them.

Aelin's face went pale, as did everyone else's who'd ever seen Maeve, because for a split second it was as though she stood before them, pale skin shining.

But where Maeve's face was sharp, hers was soft, where her lips snarled, hers sat softly, where her dark eyes were cold, her daughter's glowed with a hint of warm gold.

"I am not a spy."

Aelin went to speak, but Elide got there first. Hobbling forward, eyes alight with recognition she asked, "Freya?"

The lovely creature before them gracefully inclined her head in greeting towards her, "Lady Elide" her voice danced on the wind to meet them, soft and lilting, at utter odds with the Maeve's cold biting words.

"Hang on," Fenrys interrupted, incredulous, "Why do you look identical to Maeve, and how do you know her Elide?" Pain flickered across her face for a split second before it vanished at his words and Elide shifted in displeasure at being spoken to in such a tone.

"She's the one who told me where Aelin was, you dog. She's the reason you are not still trapped with Maeve." Fenrys frowned at her words.

"Forgive me Aelin Galathynius, that I could not do more," and then Freya knelt before her, eyes beseeching.


Aelin walked towards her, stood strong, and then she let out a cry and sank to her knees in front of Freya.

"You saved me."

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