Chapter 16- My Queen

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Fenrys couldn't breathe, couldn't think he as hurtled in wolf form, racing across the scorched plain to where Freya had collapsed. Rowan flying frantically ahead of him to reach Aelin.

He couldn't bear to look at her, as he picked her up, surprisingly light, he cradled her in his arms carefully before quickly making his way back to the keep, practically snarling at Gavriel when he went to assist him.

She was limp in his arms, face pale and lips bloodless, breathing lightly but steadily. Only once he'd found an empty chamber to lie her down in, did he look at her, healers hurried in around him, bustling away, but he didn't move, rooted to the ground.

There were no injuries upon her, except for the absolute look of exhaustion only a burnout or something like it could cause.

Hours passed, the healers had done all they could but he knew she just needed rest, to recover after expending so much magic.

Gradually, colour came back into her face and warmth to her skin. She sighed, actually sighed contentedly, unconsciousness turning to sleep, he smiled at the sight.

Only then could Gavriel convince him sit down, informing him of Aelin's wellbeing, at which all tension left his body and he slumped in the chair next her bed, exhausted and still covered head to toe in black gore.


Lorcan let out a low groan as he surfaced from deep unconsciousness.

"You are one lucky bastard."
Too soon. Too damn soon to be hearing Fenrys's mocking drawl. He cracked open an eye.

"You've been out for two days, I drew the short stick and had to look after you."

A lie, for whatever reason Fenrys had chosen to be here.

"Elide." Her name a rasp on his tongue.

"Helping with healing in the hall," Fenrys said stretching his legs out before him.

"Well since you're not dead-" he began, but Lorcan was already asleep.

Fenrys cursed, while Freya still slept he'd needed a distraction, and since the guilt of not helping Elide save Lorcan still weighed heavily on his chest he'd found himself unexpectedly visiting the sleeping Fae bastard.

It had been three days since the damn burst. Three excruciating days of watching her breathe peacefully, unable talk to her, to yell at her for her stupid bravery.

He strolled past Aelin's chambers, nodding his head to the mountain lion sprawled at the door, guarding the sleeping queen within, Rowan undoubtedly at her side.

Reaching the room he'd claimed for them, for Freya, he amended in his head, he pushed open the door to be met with a sight that made his heart beat faster.

She was awake.

Propped up against her pillows, her hair fanned around her head in a soft halo, eyes sparkling mischievously.

"Yrene just came in to check on me and she informed me you'd practically been living in that chair," her slender hand gestured to the chair beside her that he had indeed barely moved from until today.

"Yes, well I didn't think you'd want to wake up with me in your bed as the first thing you see."
He winked at her expecting the usual blushes his remarks received, but she just smirked, "Then you'd be wrong."

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