Chapter 23- Pride

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Freya rode alongside Chaol and Gavriel along the steep winding path through White Fang Mountains.

"I did not have the chance to congratulate you on your happy news"                                                             The Lion smiled at Chaol, riding atop Farasha, who bowed his head, "Thank you."

Gavriel stared towards the snow and mountains, "I was not granted the opportunity you have, to be present from the start. To see my son grow into a man."

Freya shifted as she listened to the usually quiet warrior, speaking of such a private topic to him, surprised that he would, given her presence and Chaol's was still very new.
She thought of all that he implied he'd missed, a parent's touch and input, deciding as he spoke then, telling Chaol to savour every moment, that Gavriel would have been a good father- but then she hardly knew what that was herself.

"I'm guessing Aedion has not made it very easy for you to appear in his life?" She uttered softly, basing this on all that Aelin and Fenrys had told her of their encounters. Gavriel's grave golden face tightened. "He has every reason not to."

"I'm sure you already know this, but Aedion is as stubbron as they come." Chaol said jerking his head forward to Aelin's figure, "They might as well be two hotheaded twins."                               
Freya chuckled in agreement but Chaol continued, "Give Aedion time, I have a feeling he'll be happier to see you than you think."

Gavriel did not seem utterly convinced by the lord's words, and Freya felt quite awkward as Chaol then spoke of his own father and the difference between him and Gavriel, but how he would still always want to forgive him, and Aedion would be the same.

Clearly feeling quite embarrassed with the touching statements, he nudged Farasha carefully ahead of the two.

"I never knew my father," she began tentatively the title feeling strange to say, "but I often imagined him to be a proud noble Fae warrior, much like you. He, I assume, was much more capable of feeling emotion, than my mother, and I like to think sometimes he would have loved and cherished me... much like it is clear you do Aedion. He is lucky to have you as his father- a fine father I know you can be, judging by how you've treated Fenrys all these years."

His emotional but silent, stoic countenance was startled at that, and he raised his eyes to her in surprise, she laughed, "You may forget Gavriel, but I have been forced all my life to simply observe my surroundings, which you were often unkowingly in, and I can truly say that I-" she paused swallowing, "I wish I had been so lucky to have you as my father."

Something far deeper than surprise passed over his face, "....Thank you, Freya. I shall endeavour to be so good and worthy to my son."

She scoffed, "My friend, you are already more than enough." snapping her reins and pulling her horse into a trot to join Fenrys up ahead, leaving the Lion deep in thought.

She  would never tell him such but she even based her own image of Athril on him in her mind, tall broad and proud. Had paused and watched as he used healing magic so like her father's to heal the cadre like his own pride, kindness always shining in his tawny eyes. A stark contrast to the cruelty she was used to... and now she found herself envying the foolish Aedion for his  circumstances- despite she herself being far older than Gavriel, there was something immeasurably wise about the male.


Panting slightly she looked to her left, at a form that was so familiar to her, the golden prince slaying  Valg soldier after soldier, despite numerous injuries, as the dark army was pressed slightly closer to the walls with the golden tidal wave slamming into their rear ranks behind them.

Far away she could faintly see a white glowing figure, Aelin furiously trying to make her way through Morath's army to Orynth,  a dark whirling power (Lorcan), a roaring mountain lion and white haired warrior either side of her. And behind her.... the sight of the huge white wolf tearing and shifting and slicing in the figure that made her heart burn. There he was, alive and... doing well. Something within her relaxed as she turned her attention back to the battle sweeping dark shadows out with every swordstroke that the Valg seemed to recognise and shrink away from.

But they just kept coming. Aedion frantically blew a horn as they charged for the western gate, the moment it was open it would be over, even she could not protect something so large as Ornyth, but she cast out a huge shield of power to buy the buckling iron some time, gritting her teeth as warriors beside her caught their breath and defended any weak spot.

And then it fell.

It would not be enough.

A wyvern came crashing towards the open gate, rolling and flipping toward them. The felled beast halted, blocking the way. A barricade for the western gate.

Intentionally so Aedion realised and Freya dropped a part of her shadowed shield to reveal a golden-haired warrior leaping from the saddle, running toward them, sword in hand.

His father said nothng, tawny eyes scanning him quickly before turning to add a golden shimmer to Freya's dark shield making it grow to hold Morath's soldiers at bay, for now.

"Are you hurt?" A question she realised, that was directed to both  of them, she shook her head. "You found Aelin." was all Aedion managed to say.

"Yes. And she sealed the Wyrdgate."

"Erawan?" Freya asked shakily, face pale, as an odd sense of relief half washed over her.


It disappeared.

Gavriel smiled at her softly then, jarring her, "Thank you for protecting my son." Freya sensed something in his tone, an unspoken message to her.

The golden shield flickered as father and son stared at each other. "Together." They said grimly motioning to the gate and that pride came over the Lion's face again.

Aedion strode back to the Bane to make some room for his father. Freya just looked at her friend frantically but quietly,in realisation, "Gavriel no. We can do it, we can manage." Pride and sorrow remained in his face, heavy and old, "I must do this for my son, for my pride."

He looked at her then she realised and she felt an sharp pain in her chest,                                      
"And you know what you still have to do, that no other could."

He had watched her, she realised in shock, understood what no one else had seemed to consider or be able to imagine. Never once had she thought someone might know what she feared she must do, and now, now it was made so real, in the most painful sense.

Aedion had just turned to see Freya yell out, arm outstretched to the warrior who had gone directly beyond the gates, his shield pushing the enemy through the archway.

His kind strong face smiled calmly over his shoulder,

"Close the gate, Aedion."

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