Chapter 5

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Kaya couldn’t believe what she was seeing. Metal claws had shot out from Logan’s knuckles. Her mother was screaming hysterically and as for the stranger? She had a sly smile plastered on her face, as though she was silently planning something.  Her mother rushed forward, taking Kaya by the elbow and pulling her behind her.

            “Get out of here you freak!” her mother shouted at Logan. Her face was filled with disgust and she was breathing heavily, adrenaline coursing through her, determined to protect her daughter from the mutants who she believed to be harmful.

            The woman who Logan had called Mystique sprang forward, her fist aimed for his face. He easily blocked her, grabbing a hold of her wrist and twisting it behind her head. She let out a yelp of pain. Kaya was backed up against the wall, her mother standing in front of her, her eyes full of shock and curiosity. She didn’t understand what was really going on, or how she felt about it. “I’m here for the girl.” Mystique had said, and she assumed she meant her. But why did she want her? What use was she? Kaya was angry, mostly at Logan. Her life was mostly quiet, trouble free except for the period of time she ran away from home, and then he shows up and it all got blown to hell.  

            “Just give me the girl, and I won’t have to harm anyone.” Mystique threatened, her arm still pinned behind her.

            “I don’t think you’re in a place to threaten anyone.” Logan replied, his voice filled with venom.

The woman was now covered in blue, her disguise no longer concealing her. She wasn't going to give in so easily. She turned in the direction in which Logan was holding her arm, breaking free of his grip. "You put too much faith in yourself Wolveiene." she winked at him and then lunged forward one more, using her mother's coffee table as  a means to get leverage over Logan. Logan easily doged her, but then took a hit to his face. Mistique was quick on her feet, dodging Logan's attempt to hit her back. However, Logan was just as quick, cutting her arms with his claws.

"I want you both out of my house!" her mother shrieked, now crying hysterically as she watched the two slowly destroy her house.  "Or I'm calling the police!"

Kaya watched as the two ignored her mother, still going at it. She didn't know how much her mother could take of this. Her, on the other hand, was actually quite enjoying this, even if her wellbeing was in the balance.

"You're going to leave here empty handed Mystique, just accept it." Logan laughed, clawing Mystique again, who was slowly being backed into a corner.

"We'll just have to see about that, now won't we?" She sneered, knocking down a large, brown, bookcase on Logan, causing him to fall. Mystique, seeing her chance, dashed at Kaya.

Kaya, thinking quickly, took a statue of an angel, something her great-grandmother gave her when she was fourteen, right before she passed away, and threw it at her. Not expecting it, Mystique failed to block it, and the heavy object hit her right in the face, knocking her out cold.

"Tie her up." Logan said, lifting the bookcase off of him. "I have some questions for her."

Kaya had some questions as well, but not just for Mystique. Her questions though would have to wait.

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