Chapter 23

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Kaya woke up, completely disoriented.

She didn’t remember much, just going to the bathroom one moment and a hand grabbing her the next. Looking around at her surroundings, all she could tell was she was in some sort of apartment, tied to a chair in what must have been the living room. There was no one around, from what she could tell, which she thought was weird. Wasn’t there usually someone that was supposed to guard the prisoner? However, she saw this as an opportunity to try an escape.

Pulling against the rope that tied her around her wrists, she tried to get her arms free, but to no avail. The rope was just too tight and she had to give up when her wrists began to bleed, quickly healing back up when she stopped. So she tried using her claws to cut the rope, the animantium growing from her fingernails, but the way her hands were held, she couldn’t bend her fingers to cut the rope. This meant she had only had one other choice, she had to transform. The thought just made her cringe, thinking of how painful it was to change, but what other choice did she have?

Before she could though someone appeared out of thin air before her, at least it looked that way to her. It was a woman, who looked to be a few years older than her. Her red hair was cropped in a pixie cut, while her green eyes were fixed on Kaya. The woman’s mouth twisted in a vulgar looking smile.

            “Leaving so soon?” The woman asked her, amusement in her voice. “But we haven’t even gotten to the good part.”

Most people would be too afraid to even speak, but not Kaya. No, she was far passed being afraid, and was now fuming with anger. She didn’t know who this lady was, and she didn’t care. All she wanted was to get out of this place. Logan must have been searching fanatically for her by now, and she didn’t really know how to feel about that. She hated causing him worry, but at the same time she was happy that she knew someone was looking for her, even if they had no idea where to look.

            “The good part? Oh, you mean when I escape and wipe that smug smile off your face?” Kaya snapped back, hoping to piss off whoever this person was. “You’re right, we’re actually just getting there.”

            The woman didn’t look angry in the slightest by her comments, which disappointed Kaya. If anything, she looked even more amused. “Please, do try to escape, you won’t get far.” She replied, still smiling.

            “Who are you even?” Kaya asked, a bit annoyed though she tried to hide it. There was no need in letting the woman know she was unhappy, seeing that was probably what she was hoping for.

            “The name’s Mirage.” She replied, sounding pleased that Kaya took an interest. Mirage walked over and took a seat on the white, plush, couch across from her, crossing her legs before she leaned forward, as though she was about to tell Kaya a secret. “And, before you ask, you are in my apartment, courtesy of Magneto. He’s been very interested in you. You should feel proud of yourself that you caught his attention.”

That made Kaya laugh out loud, which finally brought a frown to Mirage’s face. “Proud? Is this how he treats people he’s interested in? By kidnapping and then tying them to a chair?” She rolled her eyes. “Proud is not a word I would use to describe how I am feeling right now. Disgusted and pissed off are more like it.”

            “I would watch what you say if I were you.” Mirage responded through clenched teeth as she stood up, taking a few steps to where Kaya was and leaning over her. “That mouth of yours will do nothing but get you in trouble.”

            “Mirage, it’s alright.” A deep voice said from behind them, causing Mirage to quickly step away from Kaya. By her formal posture, the person was in charge. Could he be Magneto? Kaya couldn’t tell because she couldn’t turn around and see who the voice belonged too, only that it was a male’s voice.

A Future Unkown: An X-Men Fanfiction.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang