Chapter 25

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Kaya didn’t know how she managed to sneak away and steal the phone while Mirage took a break from their “question” (more like torture, if you asked her) session, but she did. Mirage wasn’t exactly the brightest crayon in the box; she didn’t even secure her bonds tight enough, making it easy to escape. Then, to leave the phone where she could get it was just idiotic, but in her case she was lucky.

            That was, until Mirage came back.

            She slapped Kaya so forcefully across the face; it had to leave a mark. Clutching her face in pain, she tried to crawl away, but Mirage was quicker, grabbing onto her hair and yanking her back, causing Kaya to let out a yelp. She tried to fight back, to morph, but it was clear that Mirage wasn’t afraid of her anymore and continued to beat on her, kicking her a few times in the stomach. Of course she healed quickly, but the pain still lingered.

            “Who did you call, you little brat!” Mirage yelled at her, as she kicked Kaya once more.

Tears were spilling out from her eyes now, and it hurt to breathe, much less talk. When she didn’t answer though, Mirage just kicked her some more, her stiletto books digging into her skin. “P-please, stop.” She choked out, it coming out as barely a whisper. “I called Xavier.” She gave up, knowing that lying would only bring her more pain and that she’d find out sooner or later.

 “You little-” Mirage hissed, then kicking her even harder, knocking the breath out of Kaya.

Everything went black.

*     *      *      *        *

Kaya woke up in the room, her body healed, but still aching. Dried blood caked her skull from when Mirage was yanking her hair, and when she tried to sit up, the pain hit her in a wave that she had to lay back down. Now how am I going to escape? She thought to herself, knowing that she wouldn’t be able to do anything if she couldn’t move. Kaya would just have to hope Logan and the rest of the X-Men could find her, before it was too late.

What if Magneto found out what she had done? Mirage was going to tell him eventually, and then what? Her mind wandered back to the first time she had tried to escape, how he controlled her with only a wave his hand…could he strip her bones from the metal? She shuddered at the though, imagining how painful that would be.

She still didn’t understand why he wanted her, why he thought she was so useful. How did transforming into animals quality as useful? Did she really want to find out? No, she answered herself, not really. All she wanted was to get out of here, to be back with Logan, where she felt safe.

All of sudden the door opened and Magneto walked in, Kaya’s eyes widened in fear and she thought that this was it. What if she died here? Logan…oh God, how would Logan react? Tears started welling in her eyes, but were soon cut short when Magneto began to speak.

            “Oh stop your crying girl.” He commanded, standing over her. “And sit up. Your pain is deserved, from what Mirage had told me you had done.”

Reluctantly, Kaya sat up, the pain shooting up her spine, and she winced before looking at Magneto, pure hate in her eyes. What was this guy’s problem? “What do you want?” she asked, letting the venom flow freely through her voice. She didn’t owe him anything, must less courtesy, seeing how he had yet to show her any.

            “Because of your foolish move, we’ve had to move up our plans.” Magneto stated, sounding rather annoyed at that. “Now, we need to move on to Washington D.C, and you have no choice but to come with us. Don’t cooperate, and I shall not only rip every ounce of the animantium in you, but in Wolverine as well. Am I clear?”

Kaya couldn’t breathe, not knowing what to do. How was Logan going to find her now, if she was leaving? Not only that, but if she didn’t go, she wouldn’t be the only one that would get hurt, but Logan as well. She didn’t have a choice. “Crystal.” She replied, her teeth clenched as the hatred for him bubbled inside of her.  Magneto took out a helmet that looked almost identical to his and put it on her.

“Don’t take that off, the last thing we need is for them to follow us.” He ordered.

She had to think fast as to how to hint to Logan and the rest of the X-Men where they were going, or they would probably never find her. “Can I just have a minute?” she asked, biting her lip. “To clean up? I’m all bloody…”

Magneto sighed. “Fine, but do not take long.” He stepped aside and let her pass to go to the bathroom.

Shutting the door, she turned the sink on, then trying to think of a way to tell them. Kaya began opening drawers, until she found the make-up drawer.  Reaching in, she took out a tube of lipstick before going into the shower and writing “Washington D.C.” on the wall, closing the curtain to cover the message. Oh please have them find this. She silently prayed before going and washing her face.

Magneto and the other mutants were standing outside, waiting for her. Mirage grabbed her arm then, and they left the apartment, crawling into a black SUV, and driving off.  Kaya sat in the back between Mystique and Mirage, while Magneto sat in the passenger side. A mutant she had never seen before was driving, and he looked younger than she was, about Rouge’s age. She didn’t dare ask who he was though, afraid that she would be hit again if she spoke. All she could do was watch, and it was the worst feeling in the world.

“Do you know yet, why you are so special Kaya?” Magneto suddenly asked, and Kaya took in a deep breath. The last thing she wanted to do was talk to him.

She shook her head. “No, I don’t.”

Magneto grinned. “What can get into the White House easily, without being detected?”

“No idea.” Kaya answered, not in the mood to play guessing games.

“Guard dogs.” He replied, as though it was obvious. “You could easily disguise yourself as a guard dog and go in with Mystique, who will be disguised as a guard. With your animantium, and your healing abilities, you could easily sneak in and kill the President.”

Kaya just stared at him, the terror clear on her face. “Y-you want me to kill the President of the United States?” Her lungs felt as though they were collapsing, her breaths coming in short bursts. She felt like she was going to pass out. “I can’t do that!”

“You have no choice in the matter. If you pull anything funny while inside, Mystique will tell me. Nothing will get in the way of this, it is time the humans see just how serious I am. We all must make sacrifices for the cause, and now it is your turn”

A sly smile crept  onto Mystique’s face. “I suggest you do as you’re told.”

Kaya slumped against the chair, feeling defeated. There  was no way she would be able to do such a thing, and so now she faced a choice if Logan didn’t get to her in time.

Either kill the President, or die.

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