Chapter 28

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Thankfully they had reached the White House before Magneto and the others. Getting in had proved to be harder than Logan had thought, but Xavier help in that way. Xavier went to take the President somewhere safe while Logan stayed behind with Storm and Cyclops for when the Brotherhood arrived. They didn’t know how they would come in, but they were prepared.

            Seeing Kaya on a leash, however, had brought Logan so much pain and rage, it took every ounce of self-control that he had not to go up and kill Mystique right there and then. He had to think of Kaya’s safety though, and any stupid move they made could cost her. Thankfully he could still move, which was a good sign because that meant Magneto wasn’t anywhere to be found.

            But now, as he clutched Kaya in his arms, he was unable to move. Then, as if on cue, Magneto appeared, which was never a good sign. How was he supposed to protect her now? Magneto looked rather smug about the whole thing, which only ticked Logan off more.

            “Now, did you really think you could stop me?” He nearly laughed.

            Logan rolled his eyes. “You’re too late; the President isn’t even here anymore.”

            This seemed to catch Magneto’s attention. But before he could say anything, Cyclops used the opportunity to hit him, square in the chest, sending him flying into the wall. Logan and Kaya could, for the moment, move again, and he seized this opportunity to get Kaya out of there. Storm joined in, helping Cyclops in trying to hold Magneto back. Unfortunately, Kaya and Logan were useless in fighting against him.

            “Not so fast.” Mystique said, blocking their path. Logan could hear Kaya growl in his arms.

            You can put me down now. He heard Kaya’s voice in his head. Logan set her down and watched as she charged at Mystique, who easily evaded her. However, Logan was quicker, grabbing Mystique by the arm as she jumped over Kaya. Mystique tried twisting free of his grasp, but Logan wasn’t letting her go anytime soon. Instead he went and locked her in a supply closet.

            “That should hold her.” He said, then picking Kaya up, to which she protested but, to be honest, it made him feel better. Knowing that she was there with him, that this wasn’t some dream.

            They ran out of the White House, just as the police entered. Logan pointed them to where Magneto was, figuring Xavier had called them, before taking Kaya to the jet. The rescue mission had, much to his satisfaction, gone smoothly. Well, except for Magneto showing up, but they were able to take care of him. The important thing was that Kaya was with him, safe once more.

            “Welcome back.” The Professor said when they reached the Jet.

            “Is the President safe?” Logan asked, setting Kaya back down.

            Xavier nodded. “And I see Kaya is safe as well.” He smiled. “There should be some clothes for you in the bathroom.”

            Logan watched as Kaya dashed away, a part of him afraid something was going to happen. After all, the last time he had taken his eyes off her, she had been kidnapped. Though, that may have been a foolish thought, the Jet being safer than a busy park.

            “She’ll be fine Logan.” The professor assured him. Logan just nodded, though the worry didn’t go away.

Especially when Kaya started yelping in pain.

            Logan ran to the bathroom door and knocked on it. “Kaya, are you okay?”

            The bathroom door opened, revealing Kaya back in her human form, not a scratch on her. “I’m fine.” She responded, her cheeks turning pink. “I told you the transformation was painful. Sometimes I can’t help but scream.” She looked at the floor. Logan was about to say something, but just then Storm and Cyclops returned. Looking beat up and bruised, but at least they were both still alive.

            “Magneto’s been caught by the police.” Cyclops said. “So has Mystique. Something tells me they won’t be getting out for a long time.”

            “Time to go home.” Storm said, smiling, as she took the wheel again.

*                   *                  *                   *

            Logan was glad to be home, though he noticed something off with Kaya. Though, after the experience she had been through, he didn’t blame her. He was, however, concerned. As soon as they got home, Kaya had gone straight to her room, and had yet to come out. Logan didn’t want to trouble Kaya, thinking giving her some space would help, but he also didn’t want her to feel like she was alone in this. So, there he stood outside her door, still debating on whether or not he should go in.

He sighed as he knocked on the door. “Kaya, can I come in?” A few moments passed, and he was almost sure that she was ignoring him, when her door creaked open.

            “Yeah, sure.” Kaya said, and he could tell that, despite the brave face she was wearing, something was wrong. Logan watched as she made her way back to the windowsill, where she just stared out the window.

            Going over, he wrapped Kaya up in his arms, where she then burst into tears, turning towards him and burying her face in his chest. Logan just held her tightly, letting her cry because that was what she needed right now. “Shhh.” He cooed, resting his head gently on hers. “It’s going to be okay, you’re safe.”

            “It was just…” she trailed off, breaking back into sobs, and Logan kissed her forehead.

            “I’m sorry.” He said, causing her to look up at him. “I should have been able to protect you, Kaya. But I couldn’t.” Logan had to look away, the guilt creeping its way into his mind. However, he felt her  hand on his face, making him come back and look at her.

            “Listen to me, Logan.” She whispered, concern all over her face. “I do not blame you at all, so don’t go blaming yourself, please.” Kaya sighed. “You couldn’t have known Magneto had someone following us. You were trying to make me happy.” A small smile crept onto her face, and that was enough reason for Logan to smile. “And I was. You did that, you made me happy. Thank you.”

            Logan didn’t know what to say. Any other person would have blamed him, said that he should have been there keep that from happening in the first place. It was what he thought, at least. But for Kaya to not blame him at all for what had happened…well that was unexpected. He didn’t feel like he deserved that, not in the slightest. However, he wasn’t about to argue with her. “I just wanted to see you smile.” He replied softly, running a hand through her hair.

            “I smile whenever I’m with you.” She whispered, a blush quickly rushing to her face. She then stood on her tiptoes and placed her mouth on Logan’s, who gratefully kissed her back, wrapping his arms around her once more. He felt her arms go around him, and he bent, picking her up and leading her to the bed.

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