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A month had passed since the whole Magneto ordeal, and things were beginning to get back to normal. Instead of moving back home, where she knew she would never be accepted, Kaya stayed at the mansion. Though, that wasn’t the only reason she was staying there. She really couldn’t imagine her life without Logan now, didn’t even want to think about it. Kaya enjoyed every moment she spent with him, how he was the first thing she saw when she woke up. For once in her life, she was happy.

            “Good morning.” Logan yawned, wrapping an arm around her. Kaya rolled over to face him, a smile on her face. “Sleep well? No nightmares” For weeks after her kidnapping, Kaya had been getting vivid nightmares. Most of the time she would wake up, screaming and sweating. However, Logan was always there to remind her they were only dreams, and that she was safe with him. The nightmares still haunted her, though not as often as they used to.

            “Thankfully they kept their distance.” She smiled, stealing a quick kiss from him before sitting up and stretching. “But how about you? You had a nightmare the other night, what was that about.” She asked, looking down at him.

            “Just bits and pieces from my past, I think.” Logan sighed, also sitting up. “I’ve had these nightmares all my life.”

            Kaya put a hand on his shoulder. “Maybe they’re trying to tell you something?”

            He shrugged, reaching up and taking Kaya’s hand in his. “I wish I knew what.” Logan sighed.

Kaya wished that she could somehow help Logan, after all didn’t he deserve that after all he had done for her? If it hadn’t been for him, perhaps she wouldn’t even be here today. She owed him everything, and then some. “We’ll figure that out, together.” She went, resting her head on his shoulder. “I want to help you, Logan. Especially after all you’ve done for me.”

            “I love you.” He whispered, wrapping his arm around her again.

            She looked up at him, smiling. “I love you too.”

            They laid back down, what with it being a Saturday there was nothing much to do. Wrapped in each other’s arms they watched the sun rise, listened to the birds sing their morning tunes, and just enjoyed each  other’s company. Who would have thought, when Logan had first appeared at her doorstep, that months later they would have fallen in love? Kaya wouldn’t go back, because time with Logan was when she was at her best, her happiest. For once, she wasn’t ashamed of being a mutant, she was proud of it. Logan had given her much more than his heart.

He had given her freedom.

*           *           *            *

Author's Note: Ahhh! I can't believe the book is over! I had so much fun writing it, and thank you for everything. I honestly don't think I would have finished it without the great feedback I recieved from you guys. So thank you for sticking with the story! For voting, commenting, everything.

Now time to work on the sequel! I don't know when the first chapter or anything will be up, but I'm excited to finally be able to begin it!

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