Chapter 21

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Kaya was eager to get out of the mansion. It wasn’t that she was being treated badly, quite the opposite. The food was delightful, most of the people she met were kind, but the memories of her first time here haunted her. Reminded her why she left her home, brought everything back. It wasn’t like her time here was bad, but everyone seemed to be so much happier than she had been, and it suffocated her. She was hurting, and no one seemed to see it.

                She was pacing back and forth in front of the Professor’s office, where Logan was trying to convince him to let her out for a day with him. There were times where she could hear Logan raise his voice, and couldn’t help but smile a little. It was nice having a friend that actually cared, and fought, for her. Though, she was afraid that the Professor would say no, seeing how Logan and him didn’t have the best relationship and, quite frankly, neither did she.  It wouldn’t surprise her if Xavier denied her request.

                Kaya wanted to get out of the mansion so badly though. To get some fresh air and, even if only for an hour or two, pretend this was all some horrible nightmare. Not that her life at home was any better, being cooped up with an abusive mother. However, that was looking like a better choice than running from someone who wanted to abuse her powers for their evil plot.

Okay, neither option looked too good.

It was times like these that she envied normal people. People that didn’t have to worry about not being accepted because they had some unnatural power. People that didn’t have to hide. She remembered the first time she accidently transformed in front of someone, the terrified look they gave her and how they ran from her, as though she was some kind of disease. It had felt like a slap to the face. No matter what people said, no one liked to be lonely. To feel like an outsider.

Just then the professor’s door opened and Logan stepped out, causing Kaya to freeze, looking over at him. She could feel her heart pounding in her chest as he walked over, trying to prepare herself for bad news, but also hopeful for good news.  “So, any good news?” she asked when he made his way to her.

Logan frowned, which made Kaya’s heart drop. So, the professor had said no, but should she have been surprised by that? However, he quickly smiled, saying “The professor said yes, just as long as I’m with you.”

Kaya embraced Logan, smiling. “Thank you.”  Her mind couldn’t wrap around the fact that she was actually going to be able to leave, if only for a day. It was something, and she wasn’t about to complain about it. “When can we leave?”

                “Tomorrow morning.” He replied, breaking the embrace. Kaya frowned, but then corrected herself, hoping he didn’t notice.  Logan smiled, gently patted her shoulder, and walked away, leaving Kaya staring after him.  Sometimes she didn’t really understand him. One minute he seemed to open up to her, and the next it was like the walls were back up. She knew how that felt though; it was hard to trust others, no matter how much they wanted to.

At least she could sleep tonight knowing that tomorrow would be a good day. At least, she hoped that it would. She couldn’t help but have a bad feeling about this, even though she kept trying to ignore it. After all, isn’t this how it usually happened in movies? Something good, almost too good, happens, and then all of a sudden it’s all downhill from there.

 Kaya hoped that the movies lied about that as well.

*        *         *         *         *

                Kaya could barely sleep that night, the excitement was too much. However, she managed to fall asleep sometime around one. She woke up to a knock on the door, Logan telling her to get ready, and then stumbled to the bathroom, where she examined the dark circles under her eyes. Kaya sighed, taking her cover-up and using it to hide them before getting dressed. Jeans and t-shirts were her only real options, since that was all she had time to grab from her home, and she made a mental note to buy some new clothes while they were out with the money she still had. It wasn’t much, but it would buy her a shirt or two.  She didn’t even fuss with her hair, just pulled it back in a neat ponytail, seeing as how she had left her straightener at home.

A Future Unkown: An X-Men Fanfiction.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora