Chapter 7

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Kaya didn’t know what had come over her when she decided to go with Logan. She had only met the man-mutant? - after all. She guessed curiosity had taken over her. Her thirst for answers.  Also, for some strange reason that she couldn’t pin point, she trusted Logan. He had protected her from Mystique after all, but maybe because he wanted her as well.  Kaya really didn’t understand why all these mutants were after her. Sure, she was….special. But she didn’t think she was special enough to be getting this kind of attention.

Logan walked next to her, silence passing between them. It wasn’t really awkward. It felt…nice. Especially after all the excitement that had just happened. It gave her time to think, to at least try and figure out what was going on. Why were these mutants after her? Why did mystique say she was important?  Most importantly, what were they going to do now? They couldn’t go home, that was for sure, and they didn’t have a car. Not to mention that every cop was now looking for them. Most likely her mother told the cops that Logan had kidnapped her, although he hadn’t. That was her mother though; she hated mutants and did everything in her power to make sure they suffered.

Logan took out a cigar and lit it, making Kaya let out a small groan of annoyance. She shot him a dirty look, and he simply shrugged. She didn’t argue though, smoke was really the least of their worries. “So where are we going now?” she asked, kicking a pebble off the side of the road. It was dark out now, the street lights shining down on the road. Every now and then a car would pass by, and they would avert their eyes, hoping it wasn’t someone that recognized them, or worse, a cop.

“We’ll find a motel.” He answered, taking the cigar and placing it on the palm of his hand, wincing at the pain.

“Your hand-don’t do that!” Kaya practically yelled, reaching and taking his hand in hers, only to see it heal before her eyes. “Oh.” She figured that was what he could do, looking back and remembering his hands had healed as well after he had retracted his claws.

He gently removed his hand from hers. “Don’t worry, I’m used to it.” He shrugged, tossing the cigar on the street. Kaya nodded, feeling embarrassed to having reacted the way she did. She returned to walking silently beside him, her hair hiding her face.  Feeling his eyes still on her, she did the best not to glance up at him. Instead, she kept her eyes on the pavement, doing her best to focus on breathing rather than him, or anything else that was going on.

“So…” she said, trying to gather up any courage that she had and attempt to break the silence between them. “Why do you think mystique said I was important?”

“Why don’t you tell me?” he asked, looking at her like he was expecting her to just come right out and spill everything then and there.

Kaya crossed her arms. “I’m not important.” She whispered. “Not at all.” The wind brushed her hair back, and she could see Logan out of the corner of her eye. He reached out a hand as though he was going to try and comfort her, but then returning his arm to his side.  She was used to it though; after all it was the truth. Her mother had drilled that over and over in her head when her father had left. Telling her that it was her fault he was gone, that she obviously wasn’t important enough to keep him home. When someone is told that enough, they begin to believe it themselves.

Neither one of them said anything else until they hit a small motel; one that looked like no one had been to it in quite some time. Weeds grew in the cracks in the pavement, the small building desperately needed a new coat of paint…or several new coats. The letters in the sign weren’t even totally lit, the “t” and the “l” were out, making the sign read “Moe.” Kaya looked at it, and her heart sank. Maybe it would have been a better idea to have stayed home.

“We’re staying here?” she asked, not sounding enthused at all.

“Sorry it’s not a five-star hotel.” Logan replied, his voice dripping with sarcasm.

She sighed as they entered the office, where an over-sized man that looked like he hadn’t showed in months greeted them, looking far too excited to see them. Kaya shot Logan a can-we-leave-now-please look, but he ignored her.  The man, whose named they learned to be Rodger, gave them the key to room one.

The room was just as bad as the exterior of the motel. Water stains blotched the ceiling, the toilet didn’t work properly, and she was pretty sure she saw a cockroach crawl across the floor. She did her best not to groan. Logan tossed her backpack on one bed, whose covers looked like they had yet to be washed, and then took a seat on the other.

Kaya was really beginning to regret her decision.

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