Chapter 13

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Perhaps she had overreacted, running away like that but she didn’t care. It felt as though he knew her secret somehow, as though he looked through her and saw it, and that was something Kaya wasn’t comfortable with. She ran until she reached the gardens, where hopefully she would have some time alone.  Time to breathe and get ahold of herself again. She was acting like some insane person!

Kaya took a seat on a bench, resting her head in her hands. Why was she so afraid of telling others anyway? No, she knew that answer. People would look at her like some kind of freak, and that was saying something coming from other mutants. She didn’t even want to think what would happen if he found out that she had told what had happened. Tears began to well up in her eyes. She wanted to tell someone so badly, yell at the injustice that was performed, but she knew she couldn’t.

She was alone in this.

Kaya wiped away the tears as she sat up, there really was no use in crying over it. That would only hint at the fact that she wasn’t okay, and she didn’t want that. She was too busy trying to compose herself, she didn’t realize that she was no longer alone in the garden. A teenager, with long black and white hair, stood before her, looking concerned.

“Are you alright?” she asked, and Kaya recognized a southern accent.

“Yeah, I’m fine.” Kaya lied, not meeting the girl’s eyes.

“I’m Rogue.” The girl introduced herself. “I saw you come over here when I was on the way inside, you sure you’re okay?”

“Kaya.” She replied, finally looking up to meet Rouge’s eyes. “I’m fine, really. I just didn’t sleep well last night.”

Rouge sat down next to her. “You’re the new girl that Logan brought, right?”

Oh great, she was already being called the new girl. She did her best not to roll her eyes. “Yeah, that would be me.” Kaya replied, looking back down at the grass.

“If you’re worried about Magneto getting you, don’t be.” Rogue said, still convinced that Kaya wasn’t alright. “You’re safe here, especially with Logan.” Kaya just nodded and smiled, quietly wishing for her to go away so she could be alone again. She let out a small sigh.

“I know.” She said, standing up. “Sorry, I’m just tired. I think I’ll feel a bit better once I get some sleep.” She began to walk away. “See you later.” Kaya smiled, then turned and walked straight to her room, the only place she was going to get any privacy she supposed.

Kaya hadn’t meant to be rude to Rogue, she just wasn’t in the mood for company. To be honest, she wasn’t even in the mood to be here. This place was bringing back too many memories, ones that Kaya had gone to a great deal of trouble to make sure they never resurfaced. She sat on her bed, looking out the window at the campus, which was just as she remembered, beautiful and full of life. Kaya wished that she could be happy here, where she could be herself, or well mostly herself.  But she knew that she couldn’t, not with the past she had. Where else could she go though? Magneto was after her, and her mother would probably throw her out anyway. She had no other choice but to stay here, which only made her more depressed.

A light knock on the door awoke her from her thoughts. She looked over to see the professor waiting patiently at her door. “Can I come in?” he asked, smiling. Kaya just nodded as he wheeled into her room. She did her best to keep her breathing even, it was the first time talking to the professor alone since she arrived. “I wanted to make sure you were okay, Logan told me you had run off.”

“I’m fine.” She lied again, though she knew it was pointless, he would probably just read her mind. “Really, I’m just tired.”

Xavier looked at her, not fully believing her. “You sure about that?” he asked again. Kaya just sighed, deciding to play with her hands rather than answer him.

“Why do you even ask, you obviously know already.” Kaya responded sourly. Why couldn’t they just leave her be?

“Because I want you to tell me.” He responded. “It’s important you accept this yourself as well Kaya, it’s a part of who you are”

“Well maybe I don’t want it to be!” She snapped angrily, standing up and moving to the window, leaning on the wall with her arms crossed. Kaya could hear the Professor turning around to look at her. “That’s not a part of who I am, I didn’t want it, I never asked for it, it just happened.”

“We don’t always ask for what happens to us Kaya.” The Professor replied, and she knew that he knew that better than most, but right now she didn’t care. Tears were flowing down her cheeks, she knew she should have never come here, but now it was too late to go back.  She grasped her wrists again. “I won’t push you to talk about it, but I do think you need to. I’m always around, and Logan is too. I’m sure he would understand better than I would about what happened.” With that he left her alone, the tears still streaming down her face.

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