Chapter 2

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Echo POV:

It was finally 9:30 PM when my father left for work. I watched his car drive off into the distance from my window. I grabbed my backpack, phone, and headphones. I got changed into my favorite outfit (You can choose any outfit if you prefer something else),

 I got changed into my favorite outfit (You can choose any outfit if you prefer something else),

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And I got my shoes on. Now I have to figure out a way out of the house. Most of the entrances somehow had a camera securing them. The only out was out of my bedroom window. Hopefully, I don't break any bones. I'm on the second floor, after all.

I opened my window and went on through. I accidentally slipped as I got out of the window. I screamed in fear as I slid down the roof. I grabbed the gutter at the last possible second and swung onto the porch. I ran away for dear life, not looking back. I probably woke up my sister, maybe the entire neighborhood. I don't know; I had to go.

I kept running until I was on the verge of an asthma attack, so maybe A minute, if even (I have asthma myself, it sucks). So I had to walk from now on. I had my inhalers, but they can only last for so long. Fortunately, I found a train heading towards town. I ran to it as much as possible and jumped on just in time. Now to wait until I get into town, and maybe I can get some food.

-Time skip brought to you by Goofy Gwape 🤣🤣🤣-

The train finally made it into town, so I hopped off, heading into Wal-Mart to get some snacks.

I only got some chips and soda since I didn't want to spend too much on anything. I could only steal so much money from my father, after all. They're only a few dollars, so it'll do.

I was about to check out when I saw...


You seriously thought I would make a short chapter like this with a cliffhanger? No, not yet, at least; back to the story.

I was about to check out when I saw... My sister. What's she doing here?! It's ten at night! I tried avoiding eye contact, hoping she wouldn't notice me. I don't think it would work, though. I stick out like a sore thumb; how could she not see me?

I suddenly felt someone grab my shoulder, turning me around. It was my sister, she found me. "Echo, what are you doing here?!" Heather interrogated me. Heather is my sister's name.
"What are YOU doing here?!" I questioned her back. She punched me in the stomach, making me fall to the ground.
"Answer me, you freak!" Heather screamed.
"Hey! Get away from her!"

*Earlier that night*

Narrator POV:

I was with Eddie and Gabby at their house. It was about 9:30 at night.
"Hey guys, how about a movie night?" Gabby suggested.
"Sure! I'm wide awake anyways," I answered her, "How about we go to Walmart and get some snacks?"
"Yeah, we can do that. Eddie responded. We all got into the car, heading to Wal-Mart.

*time skip to present time*

We got a bunch of snacks and drinks; we were about to check out when we noticed someone punch this poor girl.
"Answer me, you freak!" This psycho shrieked.
"Hey! Get away from her!" I commanded. A bunch of people were staring by now.
"DON'T TELL ME WHAT TO DO! SHE'S MY SISTER; I CAN DO WHATEVER I WANT!!" I wasn't putting up with this psycho. She tried swinging at the girl again, but I grabbed her quickly. I held onto her, keeping her from hurting anyone.

Eddie POV:

Narrator held on to the psycho girl while I helped the other girl on the ground. She was holding her stomach, with tears flooding her eyes.
"Are you ok?" I asked her. She nodded her head. She hugged me, holding onto me.
"Thank you. Thank you." She spoke up, calming down a bit. Security finally came over to us. "What's going on here?" The guard asked everyone.

Gabby POV:

"What's going on here?" The guard asked us.
"This woman was harassing this poor kid!" Narrator explained.
"And she punched her too!" I added. The guard turned to the woman.
"Ma'am, is this true?"
"No sir, she was the one that attacked me!" She lied.
"Ok, ma'am, we'll just check the security footage to see who's telling the tru-" She broke out of Narrator's grip, bolting out of there. The guard called for more security to arrest the woman.
"Are you alright, miss?" The guard asked the kid.
"Y-Yeah, I'm Ok." She answered him. The guard apologized for the trouble before he went on his way.

Narrator and I came over to Eddie and the girl.
"What happened?" Narrator knelt beside the girl.
"I ran away from my house. I needed to get away from my relatives. I don't call them my family anymore; that was my sister." The girl explained, shocking us. We understood what she meant, given we just witnessed her sister punch her.
"Hey kid, you wanna come with us? We can give you a place to stay if you need it." Eddie asked her.
"Yes! Please! Thank you, Eddie!" She hugged him.
"Wait, you know my name?" Eddie asked her.
"Of course! You're Gabby and Narrator. I'm a huge fan of you guys." She added, blushing while smiling.
"Oh, and I should Introduce myself; my name is Echo. Echo Iris."
"Cool name," I commented.
"Thanks!" Echo blushed, smiling again.

Echo POV:

"We just gotta pay for our stuff and go." Narrator told me.
"Me too," I added.
"I got it," Eddie offered.
"You don't have to," I responded.
"I insist."
"Well, thank you," I replied.
I tried getting up, but I had a bit of a limp since y'know.
"Are You ok?" Narrator asked me.
"Yeah, just my stomach still hurts," I answered him.
"Hold on; I'll carry you." He told me.
"You don't have to; I'm... I'm probably too heavy."
"Nah, I got you." He picked me up bridal style while Eddie and Gabby paid for our snacks. Eddie took most of the bags while Gabby took my backpack and everything else.

We entered Eddie's car, and he drove us to his house. Maybe I might have a home after all.

And that my Cinnamon Rolls was Chapter 2 of Finding Home. I hope you all liked it, and I'll see you all in the next one! Bye!

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