Chapter 6

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Josh POV:

It was 1 in the morning by the time we left Eddie's house, and we went back home.(Also, since I don't feel like watching another house tour video, just pretend they have the same house as Eddie does, or make up your own, whatever floats your boat :) ) We just moved in by Eddie's house, so we could all be together and hang out more. I said good night to Mully, Reekid, and Kristy, and they all went upstairs to go to bed. I stayed downstairs real quick to get a glass of water.

I headed into the kitchen to get some water. I heard a knock at the door. "Who the hell knocks on the door at 1 in the morning?" I asked myself. I went to the door to answer it. There was a man and a young woman. "Uh... Can I help you?" I asked them. "Uh, yeah, we're looking for my daughter, have you seen her?" "Uh, no, I haven't, but I can keep a lookout for her, what's her name?" "Her name's Echo Iris." My stomach dropped when he said that, and I guess he could see the look of fear in my eyes. "So you've seen her, WHERE IS SHE?!" The guy interrogated me. "I-I've never seen her sir." I lied, but I realized I screwed up when I stuttered. He punched me in the face, making me fall to the ground (Sorry Josh, just for the story). He came over to me and put his foot on my shoulder pinning me down. "I'm not gonna ask you again you freak, WHERE IS SHE?!"

Mully POV:

"WHERE IS SHE?! I heard someone yell, It didn't sound like Josh though. I was about to head downstairs when Kristy and Reekid came out of their rooms. "What's going on?" Kristy asked me looking worried. "Stay here with Reekid, I'm going to check it out." I told her. "Ok, be careful." She told me, and I nodded in response.

I went downstairs to see Josh on the ground with a massive bruise on his cheek. Some man was stepping on his shoulder and some woman was next to him. "GET AWAY FROM HIM!" I yelled at them. "DON'T TELL ME WHAT TO DO! HE HAS MY DAUGHTER!" The guy screamed. I figured out what was going on. This was Echo's father and sister! And they were looking for her, but of course, she wasn't here. "NO HE DOESN'T! NOW GET THE HELL OUT OF MY HOUSE BEFORE I CALL THE POLICE!!" They bolted out of the house and down the street.

I went over to Josh and knelt down next to him. "Josh! Are you ok?!" I asked him with tears in my eyes. He groaned in pain and held his cheek. "Y-Yeah, he punched me in the face and he stepped on my shoulder, but I should be ok." He told me. "Hold on, I'm gonna get you some Ice." I went into the kitchen to get some ice and came back. Kristy and Reekid came down. "Are you guys ok? We heard yelling and then It got quiet." Kristy asked us. "I think it was Echo's father and sister. He asked me if I've seen her, and I guess I looked like I knew something, cause he asked me where she was. And he attacked me." Josh told her. I immediately hugged him. "I-I'm s-so S-sorry I couldn't help you J-Josh!" I cried in his shoulder. "Hey-Hey Mully, It's ok, it's not your fault. And hey, you still came down and saved me." He said with a slight smile. Kristy and Reekid joined in on the hug as well (I REALLY love group hugs you guys). "We should warn the others." Reekid suggested. "So that they know that Echo's father and sister are in the area." "Good Idea." Josh responded.

Reekid and Kristy went upstairs to warn the others, while I stayed downstairs to help Josh. "Can you get up on your own?" I asked him. "Y-Yeah I think so." He started getting up, but seemed to have some trouble. "Here, I got you." I picked him up and carried him to his room. I laid him down on the bed, and tucked him in. "There ya go Joshy." I said and laughed a bit, and so did he. "Thanks Mull, you've always been a great friend." He told me while smiling. "You're welcome Josh." I said and started to head out the door to my room. "W-Wait Mully." I turned back around. "What is it Josh?" "C-Could you maybe sleep in here with me tonight? I-I'm still kinda freaked out from Earlier." He asked me. "It-It's fine if you don't." "Sure, I'll stay with you tonight." I answered him with a smile. "Really?!" He seemed so happy I said yes, It was so cute! "Of course Josh! Anything for my best friend!" Josh moved over in his bed so I had some room. I climbed in with him and we soon enough fell asleep.

Echo POV:

Reekid just warned us about My father and sister, and they attacked Josh! I started panicking as Eddie came in my room to check on me. "Hey Echo, are you ok?" I started to cry. "They-They attacked Josh! A-And it's all my fault!" "M-Maybe If I just stayed with them, may-maybe Josh wouldn't of gotten hurt!" "Hey-Hey, Echo, It's ok smol bean (IT'S A CUTE NICKNAME, DON'T JUDGE ME! Please and Thank you). It's not your fault that he got hurt, or that your relatives are a bunch of psychos. You just wanted to be happy and get away from them. And besides, Josh is actually pretty ok, he's just in a bit of pain, and Mully's taking care of him." Eddie reassured me. "R-Really? He's ok?" I asked. "Yeah, he's alright, don't worry." "Thank god." I said calming down a bit. He gave me a hug. "You feel better now?" He asked me. "Yeah, a lot better, thank you." I said with a slight smile. "Well, I think I'm gonna listen to some music for a bit then go to bed." I told Eddie while getting up, and he got up too. "Ok, have fun! Night" Eddie told me. "Night." I responded and he went to his and Gabby's room.

I went into my bag and grabbed my  headphones, and started listening to a few of my favorite songs.

And also If You Were Mine (Thompson Acoustic Remix) by Ocean Park Standoff, but there was only one video for it and it wouldn't open on here.

After about 15 minutes, I calmed down and turned my music and headphones off, and went to bed.

And that my Cinnamon Rolls was Chapter 6 of Finding Home. Sorry It didn't have Echo/You in it as much as usual, but I wanted to get some of the side characters in the story a bit more. Also, You guys like the possible Josh X Mully ship I got going on? I won't say much more to not spoil anything. Anywho, I hope you guys liked it, and I'll see you all in the next one, Bye!

Finding Home (The Boys X Female Reader + Narrator Father Figure)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant