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"Come in" He hears from the other side of the door, he slowly opens the door and sees Namjoon in the studio with Yoongi "Hello" Yoongi turns around and bows back "Hello M/N, sorry for stealing your boyfriend for a moment" M/N blushes over the title of Namjoon and smiles "No no it's fine hyung - take your time" He pulls off his glasses and pulls his mask down as he walks behind Namjoon "Hey baby, I missed you" Namjoon turns his head to the side and kisses M/N on the lips "Hey... I missed you too" Namjoon giggles, M/N lays the flowers on the small flying table next to Namjoon's working desk "I'm not the most romantic person, but I tried" Namjoon looks at the flowers and blushes at the sight of the flowers next to him "Thank you, baby, they're wonderful" Namjoon kisses M/N again. Yoongi smiles at the sight of the couple and says: "As much as I don't want to ruin the sweet moment we got a song to finish" M/N rolls Namjoon's chair back and sits on his lap "Sounds great, may I hear?" Yoongi nods and gives M/N a pair of headphones, Yoongi plays start and waits for the song to end. Meanwhile, Namjoon wraps his arms around his boyfriend's hips "Want my honesty?" M/N says as he pulls off the headphones, both Namjoon and Yoongi nods. "I think it's great, I like the beat and the lyrics, but something is missing - try and..." M/N goes on to talk about how to make the song even better. 

Namjoon just looks at his wonderful boyfriend being all nerdy about music, he loves the sight of M/N doing what he loves. He thinks about what they should do when Yoongi and Namjoon are done with the song in an hour or so. It makes the butterflies inside his stomach fly around like small children. His heartbeat is faster than when it was just him and Yoongi. "Let's try that" Yoongi stands up and walks into the recording box. And for sure Namjoon thinks it sounds amazing after M/N's tip. And now the song is somewhat done "What's the title hyung?" M/N asks the oldest male. Yoongi lets his coffee go and says: "Seesaw" 

The oldest says goodbye to the couple and goes home to his sweet dog, Holy. The couple is left behind in the studio "Thank you for helping us baby" M/N smiles and swings his arm around Namjoon's neck as he still sits on Namjoon's lap "Your welcome, now how about we go out and eat some late dinner?" It was almost 8 PM when M/N got here and now it's close to 10 PM, so only small places are still open for food, Namjoon nods and kisses M/N on the lips. They stand up from the chair, M/N pulls his mask and sunglasses back on as Namjoon collects his jacket, mask and hat, not forgetting the flowers "Let's go home to me when we're done baby" Namjoon says as he wraps his free arm around M/N's waist and M/N's arm around Namjoon's hip. They lock the door and leave the building to find some food. 

"Take what you want us to eat, I'll pay" M/N says as Namjoon nods and the man behind the counter scans the food. As M/N is about to walk away after paying the man asks: "Excuse me, but is that perhaps Kim Namjoon? Agust D's producer?" M/N turns around and says: "Eh yes, please don't tell anyone - he's really tired and doesn't need cameras or anything else around him" The man nods and bows "Do you think I just can ask for a small autograph?" M/N turns and looks at Namjoon who looks like someone who is about to fall asleep "Let me see if he's too tired or not" The man nods and bows again, M/N bows back and walks out to where Namjoon is, he sits down and looks around to make sure no one is around to see him without a mask. He slowly pulls down his mask and starts to eat, he looks at Namjoon and sees him asleep with his head on the table. He smiles and gently rubs Namjoon's head, he leans closer to whisper: "Baby, wake up you got to eat something" Namjoon slowly wakes up and sits up "Sorry I'm just tired" M/N puts his mask on and turns his head to the male inside the store and shakes his head. The male just nods his head and smiles before he goes back to work. "If you finish this quickly I'll carry you home" Namjoon doesn't even try to say anything against M/N, he's too tired. M/N and Namjoon finish up their food, M/N throws the food away and pulls his mask on again "Come on big baby" He knees down to Namjoon's sitting level, Namjoon gets on M/N's back and M/N carries Namjoon all the way to M/N's home. 

"If you weren't my boyfriend I would've thrown you in the sea" He giggles as Namjoon continues to sleep. 

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