| 16 | - | Epilogue |

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Everything happens for a reason if you try to change fate or not. Something is going to happen if you like it or not. In this case, M/N and Namjoon never got to get married, they only got to be engaged before the accident happened to them. The murders got years in prison after the police found them with the help of M/N's real fans who got the footage of the shooter's face, they connected the dots of where the shooter had met up with people and soon they all were arrested for murder. 

As for their friends, they all stayed together as a family, Taehyung is still making music - he recently got his modelling career started. He is the face of Asia's Gucci ambassadors and is often on the catwalk whenever clothing is dropping on the market. 
After the accident he of course stayed with the guys and quickly got a new family who could tell everything about M/N and Namjoon that he never got to know before everything came down to hell. As he sings in one of his songs: "Looks like a winter bear. You sleep so happily - I wish you a good night, good night, good night. Good night, good night. Imagine your face, say hello to me - Then all the bad days, they're nothing to me" in his 'Winter Bear' song that came out just a few months after the accident. He originally wrote it so that he could sing it at Namjoon and M/N's wedding, but now that they are gone from the earth he figured that they would have loved it anyway.

Seokjin still makes music - but has decided to go on a break since he got into depression after they died, he often sat in his room looking out of the window waiting for M/N or Namjoon to come in and ask him if he wants to go out to get some food, but they never come. He lost a lot of weight, then after a few months of going in and out of the hospital, he started going to therapy and there he met a man named Hoseok. Hoseok is like a vitamin for Seokjin, they often hang out with the rest of the group whenever Seokjin is not slipping and out of depression. In an interview, Hoseok says that sometimes Seokjin would call him in the middle of the night crying that he saw M/N and Namjoon in his dreams. That they were happy together, they were at the beach where Namjoon looks for craps to show M/N. Hoseok also says that Seokjin is taking things slow, he does not want to get into music before he can wake up without crying. 

M/N's manager tried to get over the thing, but often failed whenever he walked past M/N's studio. He would often stand there with a cup of coffee ready for M/N to drink, it broke him that the habit of giving M/N coffee would be something that make him cry. The staff often sees M/N's manager stand in M/N's studio that no one is allowed to be in, other than M/N's and Namjoon's closest friends and the manager. The manager will stand there with the coffee imagining M/N sitting there with his headphone popping his head to the beat, walking around looking for his missing paper number 1000, M/N being inside the recording box recording beats and sounds, or he will sit with Namjoon, Taehyung, Yoongi or Seokjin producing music. It is like M/N always is there whenever he is having a hard time with other idols. But it was like M/N has sent someone who would be a mini version of him, his name is Jimin. Jimin was a trainee that M/N's manager ran into one night when he was tired and needed to relax in M/N's studio. On the way there he saw Jimin dancing, he saw M/N as young right next to Jimin. M/N stopped dancing and turned to his manager just to say: "I could not let you suffer anymore manager, please make this guy big - he got talent, he is like me" M/N laughed and then was gone...
And even if it all was in his head, it felt so real. After that day he decided to help Jimin to reach his dream. He is getting there. 

But sadly the one who might be taking this so had is Yoongi. The poor male had nightmares for months about M/N and Namjoon getting into the accident. Yoongi would stop sleeping and start working more and more to keep his focus away from M/N and Namjoon. Whenever the guys called or visited him, they would see a guy getting pale and paler, thinner and thinner, more and more depressed. More and more dead... 
Even if it has been 3, almost 4 years since they died - he is still not over it all. He is not getting better, but he is also not getting worse - because if he gets even worse, he will end up dead and he promised himself not to die before he is old. His depression is back and now everything is just a mess inside his head. Sometimes he will sit there in the restaurant where he and M/N ate together for the first time, just to feel his ghost being around him - just to make him feel more alive.
Yoongi often thought about how life was better when Namjoon and M/N would be cheesy around him and the guys. Everything was so much better. 

"Hyung... Please get some help" Hoseok says when Seokjin and he visit Yoongi for the second time this month. Yoongi only shakes his head, he wants to get help but the step to do it was not something he could do himself. "At least try and clean your studio, I see dust everywhere..." Yoongi only nods not caring. 

After a good 15 minutes, Hoseok and Seokjin leave the studio, for Yoongi to be alone again - his alone time stops again when his manager walks inside the studio, he groans and turns around to face the manager. "Yoongi, I get that you are depressed over M/N and Namjoon's death - but it has been almost 4 years, you got to start getting back to normal... You are losing your soul son" His manager walks out of the studio but leaves a CD behind "Manager you left a CD behind!" But the manager never comes back for it, so Yoongi takes it to take a look at what it is about "Jeon Jeongguk, Still With You" he pulls the CD out of the case and puts it into the computer, the computer opens up a video of a boy who Yoongi believes is Jeongguk. 

Before anything can happen, music starts and soon an angel voice comes on "Every day, every moment. If I knew this was gonna happen. I would have remembered more of them, I will look into your eyes. And say; I missed you"  And that is when tears run down Yoongi's cheeks, everything about M/N and Namjoon comes back - it hits him like a train, everything he has felt for the past 4 years is coming up to the surface and he can not help it. 

Without notice a door opens and in comes his manager "Yoongi have you seen the CD-" but stops the sentence when he sees Yoongi's wet face "Are you okay-" and yet again stops when he hears the song playing from the computer. "Is he a trainee?" Yoongi asks with a shaking voice that is almost about to crack in a matter of words. The manager nods "Yeah he is about to debut-", "Let me be his mentor, please... Give me a break from my own music, I want to help him", "Why?" Yoongi stays silent for a moment before he says: "Because he reminds me of them, M/N's words - it is like M/N created them, the music is like Namjoon created it... Please let me mentor him" Yoongi drops from his chair to his knees as he begs, only to surprise his manager...

And funny enough, Yoongi got to be Jeongguk's mentor - after as Jeongguk debuts with 'Still With You' and became a hit on the spot. 
Months after this, Yoongi is getting fewer and fewer nightmares, he gets more and more sleep, he looks less pale and looks less dead... Having Jeongguk by his side, made him feel better. And soon Jeongguk and Yoongi went out on their first date as a couple... 


Hello guys! Someone commented a while back that they wanted an epilogue to this book, I hope that you loved it - I felt a bit bad about not including Jeongguk, Jimin or Hoseok in it... Soooo here they are! <3 Please go and check my other looks out! Give me some feedback! 
Also please give me feedback on this epilogue!

Stay healthy and have a wonderful December! <3
- Lee Maia<3 

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