Chapter 2: Princess Twilight Sparkle & Prince (Y/N) (L/N) - Part 1

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In just two days from now, the next Summer Sun Celebration will take place with Princess Celestia raising the sun once more, but this year it will even feature Princess Luna, and the two new royal ponies, Princess Twilight Sparkle and Prince (Y/N) (L/N). They both will play a special part in the festival both making a special flight. This was easy for (Y/N), but not so easy for Twilight as she still needed some practice with her wings.

Luckily for her, she got her friends and her boyfriend helping her out as right now they are near Canterlot with Pinkie, Rarity, Applejack, Fluttershy, and Spike watching Twilight practice her flying. She slowly gains altitude as (Y/N) and Rainbow Dash supervise her, but Twilight becomes increasingly unnerved at being off the ground.

Rainbow Dash: You gotta really flap 'em hard.

(Y/N) nods in response and Twilight does so, generating enough of a draft to push Rainbow back a few feet, and goes into a tumble. 

Twilight Sparkle: Whoa!

Twilight exaggerates Rainbow's words at flapping her wings hard and the momentum carries her to a tree branch that has most unceremoniously halted her flight. She hangs dazedly over it, a bird's nest on her head and its former occupant chirping angrily at her. (Y/N) and Rainbow fly towards Twilight as she pulls herself up to sit on the limb.

(Y/N): Not so hard that you can't keep a rhythm with your wings. 

They take an attempt at it once more where Twilight puts forth her best effort at a controlled descent only to have it get away from her in a hurry.

Twilight Sparkle: Whooooaaaa!

She nearly hits the ground, but (Y/N) flies down to stand on his hind legs and catch Twilight to break her fall before letting her stand back down on all four hooves. Applejack trots over to the two.

Applejack: Lookin' good up there, Princess Twilight.

Twilight Sparkle: Applejack, you know you don't have to call me that.

Rarity: Why do you protest so? You've already given up wearing your crown all the time. The least you can do is embrace your new title.

(Y/N): We've had these titles for awhile now girls. And I don't feel comfortable having my girlfriends call me a prince all of the time. I mean when you do it to display affection that's one thing, but when you call me it constantly, it's just not comfortable.

Twilight Sparkle: You know what else isn't comfortable, sweetie? All of this flying business. The Summer Sun Celebration is only two days away, and I'm never gonna be ready to perform my part with you.

(Y/N): Not if you keep worrying and stop practicing. We've still got plenty of time and we'll all be here to help you make sure it goes right.

Rainbow Dash: Yeah, exactly what he said! Now get up there and show everypony the big finish!

Twilight nods, having found new resolve, and stretches every feather as far as it will go. Her takeoff is smooth, her rise crisp, and she gets a round of cheers from the rest of her friends. She zooms ahead and notices her flight going well with the wind singing in her ears.

Twilight Sparkle: Woo-hoo!

However her elation turns to sudden panic as she tries to make herself slow down, but it wasn't working.

Twilight Sparkle: Whaaaa!

It was too late as she starts smashing through a line of clouds. Once she finally comes to a stop, she coughs out a few puffs of water vapor, then having forgotten to keep flapping, she drops like a four-legged rock. She starts flailing and screaming as she plummets, but it quickly turns into a swoop just in time to avoid wiping out the rest of the gang.

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