Special Chapter: MLP FiM The Hero of Equestria (Anime Edition)

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(A/N): WARNING! If you do not like content such as swearing or fan service content from ecchi anime like Highschool DxD, Senran Kagura, or Kill la Kill then please DO NOT read this chapter. As for those who DO like this, enjoy as this will definitely be an experience you will not be disappointed by. . . Not only that, you will find a tiny crossover in this chapter as well.

It has been awhile since we've seen (Y/N)'s home world Earth as ever since (Y/N) had to leave his old home to go to Equestria, it's basically his original place where he grew up with his mother. However, sometimes (Y/N) did actually miss his old home and even felt a little curious on how things are going back in his home world.

He knew that his mother had to have sent him to the dimension using some type of spell so he asked Twilight if she could research any spells that allow you to cross dimensions and sure enough it was in an old Star Swirl The Bearded book that she found. (Y/N) was excited to hear this as he thinks that he might just go visit as a little vacation. However, he didn't want to leave his girlfriends behind in the dust so it gave him the idea that he should bring them along too.

One day, he gathered up all of the Mane 7 in the library saying that he wants all of them to take a little vacation to his world and thanks to him and Twilight, he's able to find a spell that will be able to do that. Everypony was both excited and nervous as they know that (Y/N) used to be human and they don't know how humans work. Twilight was able to find a book on the human anatomy in Equestria as she thinks this can teach them how the human body operates.

Eventually after a boring lesson, the Mane 7 packed their things and Spike was in charge with supervising the library while they were gone. Now the Mane 7 are getting ready to experience what (Y/N)'s world was truly like.

Earth, (Y/N)'s Old Home, Basement. . .

It was pitch black over the entire area as everything around was not visible in the slightest. . . That is until a large round portal opens up in mid-air causing the room to illuminate just a little bit. Screaming could be heard as out of the portal, seven human figures dropped down out of the portal and crashed onto the ground, not only that, but a bunch of suitcases and bags fell through right afterwards before the portal closes making it dark again. (Y/N) was the first to speak as the only thing that is seen is his (E/C) eyes in the dark.

(Y/N): *groans* That was NOT the plan. . .

Twilight's purple eyes could then be seen right across from (Y/N).

Twilight Sparkle: Well, we got the coordinates right, I guess we still need work on what direction we need to enter the portal.

Rainbow and Applejack were next as their eye shapes could be seen too.

Rainbow Dash: *groans* You think? I felt my whole body transforming the entire time we were falling through that portal.

Applejack: Now that ya mention it, I do feel kinda weird, but at the same time it feels natural for some reason.

Fluttershy and Rarity's eye shapes were then seen as everybody looks at them as they speak up too.

Rarity: Does anybody feel anything soft on their body too?

(Y/N): Those are your clothes and. . . Wait, did you just say. . . "anybody?"

Rarity: Well, yes of course dear. We're. . . Hold on. . .

Fluttershy: Can somebody please turn on the lights? It is kind of frightening as I don't even know what I'm touching.

(Y/N): Not to worry Flutters, there are three of us who have magic. Now do you two remember when I said to concentrate your magic through your hands and not your horns?

MLP FiM: The Hero of Equestria (MLP FiM x Male Pony Reader) (Season 4)Where stories live. Discover now