Chapter 18: Testing Testing 1, 2, 3

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It's going to be a big moment for Rainbow Dash soon as she is going to try and make it to the Wonderbolts Reserves to finally see if she can live her full dream of soon becoming one of the Wonderbolts herself. She's got everything she needs to do in order to fulfill that dream with speed, precision, and agility with her flight. . . However, you know what Rainbow Dash lacks? The proper brains in order to pass a history test that she'll have to take soon in order to get her promotion. She has to pass this test if she wants to become a Wonderbolt soon and right now. . . all she's doing is procrastinating as her most studious friend, Twilight Sparkle and her boyfriend, (Y/N) (L/N) is trying to help her study and focus.

Right now, both alicorns were right in front of the Golden Oak Library reading some Wonderbolt history books in order to help Rainbow Dash study.

Twilight Sparkle: "The magical properties of this spell will only have lasting effects if you focus on-"

Rainbow Dash swoops past at full speed, barely missing them by a nose.

Rainbow Dash: Yeah! *laughs*

She leaves behind nothing but her laughter and a scatter of loose pages caught up in the eddies of her passage. The bookworm Princess and the heroic Prince stand up and to glare indignantly after her.

(Y/N): Not again! Rainbow Dash! Really?! That's the fifth time now you blew the papers away!

Twilight hovers and begins to magically gather and crumple up the papers that Rainbow Dash scattered.

Twilight Sparkle: How in Equestria does that pony expect to pass her history of the Wonderbolts exam tomorrow if she's wasting time flying?!

Floating the tome off the ground, she directs the pages roughly back inside and slams the covers shut. 

(Y/N): I don't know, Twi. But if she spends all of this time procrastinating instead of learning, it's like saying that she doesn't care of she get's in or not.

Twilight then get's an idea as she smirks from that.

Twilight Sparkle: Well, in that case, why don't we both fly up there and tell her about her lackadaisical approach to studying!

(Y/N): I wouldn't do that if were you. . .

Twilight raises an eyebrow in confusion.

Twilight Sparkle: Why not?

(Y/N) then looks upwards with a deadpanned look.

(Y/N): Because Rainbow's been up there in those clouds listening to everything we just said.

This surprised Twilight and she looks up and sees Rainbow peeking out from a cloud with a slightly annoyed look.

Rainbow Dash: Oh, killjoy! I was hoping you would come up here so I could surprise you!

(Y/N): Rainbow. . . By now I can tell just what your planning by the looks of a situation that you're in. Speaking of which, we should be planning for-

Rainbow Dash: Yeah, yeah, the Wonderbolts history test. No big deal.

Rainbow playfully tumbles backward over the edge of her cloud and those last three words are all it takes to get on the other two's nerves as they fly up to her slowly dropping toward ground level while still lying on her back.

Twilight Sparkle: No. Big deal. Really big deal. It's a test! A test that will determine if you can join the newly-formed Wonderbolts Reserves, and being part of the Wonderbolts Reserves means you'll have the opportunity to live your dream as a Wonderbolt! This is the most important test of your LIFE!

MLP FiM: The Hero of Equestria (MLP FiM x Male Pony Reader) (Season 4)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant