Chapter 3: Princess Twilight Sparkle & Prince (Y/N) (L/N) - Part 2

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Previously on MLP FiM: The Hero of Equestria. . .

Still trying to get used to their new role in royalty, (Y/N) and Twilight were reassured by both of their friends and Princess Celestia that they will not let them or Equestria down at all. Things were peaceful that night until suddenly an anomaly happens when the sun and the moon are out at the same time. Not only that, but Princess Celestia and Princess Luna suddenly disappear alarming everypony. (Y/N) and Twilight suggest that they go and search for them only to find that Ponyville is being invaded by the Everfree Forest. They reunite with their friends and not even they are sure of what is going on. Seeing that they can't get anywhere, they ask Discord and Zecora of what possibly happened, but only Princess Twilight and Prince (Y/N) were able to find the answers. Now they're in an unknown predicament as they are facing off against their old foe Nightmare Moon once more. Will the prince and princess figure out the source before all of Equestria becomes home to the Everfree Forest?

Now back to where we left off. . .

Twilight and (Y/N) were staring in complete disbelief that Princess Luna has transformed into her evil counterpart once more. Nightmare Moon cackles before she fires a beam from her horn, tearing a gash through the ceiling. A huge part of the ceiling was just barely about to crush (Y/N) and Twilight before the stallion picks up his girlfriend bridal style before jumping out of the way of the masonry.

Seeing that they were safe now, (Y/N) puts Twilight back down and they both turn around to see Princess Celestia approaching them with a look of muted regret on her face as Nightmare Moon steps imperiously forward through the clearing dust. Princess Celestia takes to the air and dodges a shot from her twisted sister as it carves a fresh hole in the ceiling to expose the full moon above. Once she landed, (Y/N) skids right in front of her to address Nightmare Moon with a glare on his face.

(Y/N): Stop Luna! I've already fought you once! I don't want to do it again! You were banished to the moon for a thousand years remember?! We can't let that happen again!

Princess Celestia: Luna, I will not fight you! You must lower the moon! It is your duty!

Nightmare Moon: Luna? I am. . . Nightmare Moon! I have but one royal duty now: to destroy you!

Hearing those words again, straight from the horse's mouth, throws a scare into Twilight and (Y/N) as Nightmare Moon fires yet another magic blast from her horn towards Celestia. She leaps off of the ground just in time to fly through the ceiling hole.

Nightmare Moon: And where do you think you're going?

She gives chase, followed by Twilight and (Y/N). The pursuit ranges into the sky high above the castle, and Nightmare Moon sends one blast after another toward her sister as Twilight gapes in horror while (Y/N) glares with seriousness.

(Y/N): (I can't let Nightmare Moon take over Luna's mind again! I have to help out Celestia!)

As the high-speed pursuit skims the ground through a courtyard, Nightmare Moon fires off one more shot and finally hits home, scoring a bullseye on Celestia's chest. The stricken pony screams in agony and plunges out of the air, falling through the same ceiling hole into the throne room.

Twilight Sparkle & (Y/N): CELESTIA!!!

Nightmare Moon then makes a long triumphant laugh before (Y/N) looks at her in anger.

(Y/N): Why you. . .!

(Y/N) immediately puts energy into his hoof and attempts to avenge his mother's friend, but something different happened as instead, he phases right through her surprising him.

MLP FiM: The Hero of Equestria (MLP FiM x Male Pony Reader) (Season 4)Where stories live. Discover now