Chapter 4: Castle Mane-ia

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It was now currently sunset out as (Y/N), Fluttershy, Rarity, and Angel who was on Fluttershy's back were currently walking through the Everfree Forest together as Rarity came to both of them for an important matter that she did not explain to them yet. Being in the Everfree Forest was not comfortable for Fluttershy as she was walking slowly right beside (Y/N) as Rarity trots ahead of both of them.

(Y/N): Rarity, remind me why we're here again? It's almost sunset. What could you possibly need from Fluttershy and I this late in the day?

Fluttershy: It is. . . star-spider season, after all. Though we're sure you have a very good to why you needed us.

Rarity: Simply the most important reason I've ever had in my entire life!

(Y/N): You're exaggerating. . .

Rarity: I am most certainly am not!

Fluttershy: Then what is it?

Rarity: I've heard rumors that the Castle of the Two Sisters is filled with the most gorgeous of ancient tapestries in all of pony history! It pains me to think of those magnificent creations rotting away in those old ruins, totally unappreciated.

Rarity then begins to cross a bridge, but her traveling companions hang back for a second in confusion.

(Y/N): Those things have probably got to be thousands of years old by now.

Rarity: All the more reason to why they would simply be so divine. You see, I need both of your help in "borrowing" one or two to bring back to the boutique where I can restore them. Maybe I'll even use the patterns as the inspiration for a new line!

Rarity cracks a huge grin from this while (Y/N) and Fluttershy just stare at Rarity with dry expressions unconvinced by why this would be so urgent.

(Y/N): *sarcastically* Borrowing. . . right.

Fluttershy: That does sound. . . very important.

Rarity: Yes, well, *clears throat* maybe not the most important thing in my entire life, but retro-ancient classical will be all the rage next season, so it's nothing to sneeze at.

As Angel hops by, one of his ears tickles Rarity's nose, causing her to expel a sudden sneeze as the two others pass her.

(Y/N): Heh. Gesundhoof.

The three then were able to make it right in front of the entrance to the Castle of Two Sisters and Fluttershy couldn't help, but feel fear from looking at the castle.

Fluttershy: Um, are you sure you need those tapestries?

Rarity: But, of course. Although, I must admit these ruins are a fright. Just look at all the dirt everywhere! Ugh. . .

(Y/N): The dirt compared to this ancient castle is probably going to be the least of your problems. Or maybe no problems at all. We've been here at the castle before when we got the Elements of Harmony, it can't be that frightening.

Rarity: Well dear, you make a fair point. This was also owned by Princess Celestia and Princess Luna so it shouldn't be troublesome to just grab a couple of those tapestries that I so greatly desire.

Angel bounds ahead and through a partly open set of double doors, leading to a panicked gasp from Fluttershy.

Fluttershy: *gasps* Angel!

(Y/N): Well, looks like our little bunny friend here already seems interested to explore the areas after we've been away from it for so long.

MLP FiM: The Hero of Equestria (MLP FiM x Male Pony Reader) (Season 4)Where stories live. Discover now