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Putting the gun back against Natalie's head, Nolan nods to herself. "Alright good, now put your guns on the table."

Looking at each other, Laura meets the woman's eyes. "We told you before, we can't do that."

"I don't care! Do it, or she'll die!" Shouts the woman in rage, her eyes spitting fire. Looking at his sister, Tony slowly puts his gun onto the table.

"Good, now you." She glares at Laura.

"If I put my gun down, you'll shoot us both, and then Mrs. Jones. Rebecca I can't risk that." Laura looks at her, eyes piercing through her. "We can get you a reduced sentence, you know. With the help of a psychological evaluation, a psychologist could count you as mentally unstable, which would put you in a mental institution, which would allow you more freedom, because of your mental stability, that made you kill these men."

"I am not sick!" Shouts Rebecca angry, she points her gun at the brunette. Lifting a hand from her gun in a calming manner, Laura shakes her head. "Yes you are, don't you see that?"

Laura's distraction, pulls Rebecca's attention off of Tony, making it easy for him to approach the woman slowly.

"I. Am. Not. Sick." Shouts Rebecca again, she puts a finger on the trigger, ready to pull it. Right in that moment Tony grabs her arm points it at the ceiling, as a gunshot sounds through the room. Letting go of Natalie, Rebecca starts to wrestle with Tony for the gun.

Pulling Natalie by her arm behind her, Laura walks closer to the two, while Natalie slips out of the door, just as Tony gets the upper hand, and pulls the gun out of the woman's grip. Laughing in triumph, Tony seems to forget about his own gun till laying on the table. Rebecca grabs it, but before she can pull the trigger on Tony, Laura pulls her own, hitting the woman in the forehead.

Hearing the door open behind them, Gibbs stares the siblings down. "DiNozzo's." He breathes out, before walking back out.

Looking at each other the siblings shrug. "By the way, you're welcome." Mutters the brunette while walking past Tony towards the door.

"I had it under control." Replies the man. "You almost had bullet in your head." Answers his sister sarcastically.

She looks back at him for a second. "See ya' later, baby alligator." She salutes him, before walking out of the room, running into JJ, Emily and Morgan on the way out.

Without a second thought the blonde pulls her in a tight hug, while the other two Agents walk past the two into the room, smirking to themselves. "I'm so glad that you're alright." Laughs the blonde relieved.

Laura returns the hug tightly burying her head in JJ's shoulder, smiling brightly into the blondes shoulder. "Yeah, me too."

Letting go of her, JJ hold her shoulders looking at Laura for injuries. "I'm fine JJ, really." Smiles the brunette reassuring.


The BAU members start to pack their stuff together, one after the other they leave, after saying their goodbyes to the NCIS team.

Realising that everyone but JJ has already left the building, Laura walks to the conference room the BAU has occupied. Knocking against the open door softly, she smiles at JJ who looks up from putting files in a box.

"Hey." Mutters the brunette, slowly walking inside the room.

"Hi." JJ replies softly, halting in motion for a second to look at the DiNozzo woman, before returning to putting the file in the box.

"Need some help?" Laura points at the whiteboard that has pictures of the victims still on it, and at the stack of files on the table.

Smiling widely the blonde nods. "Yeah go ahead."

Walking to the board to take the picture off, Laura throws glances at JJ. "Did the others leave you to it, or-" Laura stops not wanting to sound rude.

"Oh no, no. They have been lacking sleep, they always do on cases, I told them that I would pack up, and they could drive back already." JJ explains looking at Laura, whose back faces her as she takes down the pictures.

"What about you?" Laura turns around holding the pictures out for JJ to put in the box.

Looking at her questioning, Laura explains. "I mean did you get enough sleep, because I doubt that you got anymore than they got."

Laura gives JJ a pointed look, after the blonde stares down at her hands, instead of answering her. "JJ, I really don't want to intrigue, but you need to take care of yourself too, you know."

Nodding agreeing, JJ look back up, meeting Laura's eyes, which instantly soften after meeting the blondes.

"Just try." Continues Laura. Smiling softly at her JJ nods. "I'll try."

A satisfied smile forms on Laura's face. "You know there is one other think I want ask you?"

JJ looks at the woman curious. "Yeah?

"You know, right now I am learning about important dates in history, do you wanna be one of them?" Laura smirks, one eyebrow risen.

Failing to look annoyed, JJ laughs, shaking her head. "That was surprisingly,- smooth, but weird?" She sounds more questioning than anything else.

Laughing to herself, Laura shrugs. "You haven't said yes, but that comment alone made it worth."

"Yes."JJ answers plainly, face red, not meeting Laura's eyes while she puts another file in the box.

"Yes?" Smiles the brunette widely, she turns around, back facing JJ, while fust bumping the air, secretly.

"I saw that." Mutters JJ looking at the brunette smiling. "Well you just made my day." Laura's smile splits her face.

She pulls out her phone swinging it in front of her face. "Oh by the way, I think something's wrong with my phone," JJ looks up questioning. "Yeah, it's missing your number."

Holding out her hand, Laura puts in the password, and then puts it in JJ hand. Looking down at the phone, JJ laughs. "How many of those lines do you have?"

"Too many." Laura laughs, watching the blonde woman.

Quickly adding her number, JJ gives the phone back to Laura.

"Thanks." Smiles Laura, watchin JJ putting the last file in the box.

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